Been a busy blog day, but the last one today (promise). There is feature that is unique to PowerShell that makes it better than say your old VB/VBScript and really sets it apart.
To replace text in a string multiple times in VBScript, you had to do something like the following:
dim string1 as string
String1=”Some text needs to be replaced”
String1=Replace(String1,”Some”,”Not All”)
String1=Replace(String1,”needs”,”should be”)
In PowerShell (starting in v3), you can actually combine these into one statement by using multiple replace commands:
$string1=”Some text needs to be replaced”
$string1=$string1.Replace(“Some”,”Not All”).Replace(“needs”,”should be”)
Your output from PowerShell: Not All text should be replaced
Great time saving tip in a pinch. Happy scripting.
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