Hi All,
I’ve been in a situation where I want to run sysprep on a Azure VM to create an image, hopefully without needing to login / connect directly to the VM. I thought that this was an opportunity to learn about custom script extensions. (for use in other situations as well)
in summary, I created a powershell script file, and saved it to a new file ‘sysprep.ps1’:
param([switch]$runSysprep=$false) write-output "Sysprep Script Run, parameter 'runSysprep': $runSysprep" if($runSysprep){ write-output "starting Sysprep" Start-Process -FilePath C:WindowsSystem32SysprepSysprep.exe -ArgumentList '/generalize /oobe /shutdown /quiet' write-output "started Sysprep" }else{ write-output "skipping Sysprep" }
I then uploaded this to a storage account, set the security on the container to ‘blob’ (there’s nothing sensitive in that script), then ran the following:
$VMName = 'vmName' $VMRG = 'vmResourceGroup' $VMLocation = 'AustraliaEast' $ExtensionName = 'runsysprep' $Scripturi = 'https://<storageAccountName>.blob.core.windows.net/templates/scripts/sysprep.ps1' Set-AzureRmVMCustomScriptExtension -FileUri $ScriptURI -ResourceGroupName $VMRG -VMName $VMName -Name $ExtensionName -Location $VMLocation -run './scripts/sysprep.ps1' -Argument '-runSysprep'
This gave the output:
RequestId IsSuccessStatusCode StatusCode ReasonPhrase --------- ------------------- ---------- ------------ True OK OK
To see the output messages from the script that was run:
$status = Get-AzureRmVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName $VMRG -VMName $VMName -Name $ExtensionName -Status $status.SubStatuses.message
This displayed the output that was expected:
Sysprep Script Run, parameter 'runSysprep': Truenstarting Sysprepnstarted Sysprep
A short time later, the VM is shutdown (but is still allocated & incurring charges), so i then shutdown the VM:
Stop-AzureRmVM -Name $VMName -ResourceGroupName $VMRG -force
As with everything I post about, please give comments / questions on my approach /methods