If your shop is like ours, data is the lifeblood of your business and data growth is one of your top management challenges. In recent years, average volume sizes, file sizes and number of files stored on disk are now many times larger than even a short time ago. Lots of organizations are now pushing for more and more of their data to remain stored on-disk, where it can be kept more directly accessible to users.
Storage capacity is expected to continue to double in size every three years, and recent studies have estimated that the world's global data footprint is over 600+ EB ... that's over 600 Exabytes, or 600 billion gigabytes, of stored data. A stack of CD's containing this much data would stretch all the way past the moon and back!
Can you imagine how long it would take to CHKDSK 600+ EB of data? Me either ... I don't have that much time! And, that's where ReFS comes in ...
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