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Windows 10 IT Camps are here!


The 300 level, expert lead, one day events known as the Microsoft IT Camps are here! Get hands-on and get skilled-up quickly at no cost. Register now, while there’s still space for you and your laptop available.

IT Camp: Windows 10 for Business

Attend this Windows 10 IT Camp to gain a deeper understanding around Windows 10 for business. This IT Camp will be covering what’s new in Windows 10, Windows 10 Deployment and Provisioning, and Windows 10 Security. You also have the option to BYO secondary Windows 7 or Windows 8 device to upgrade throughout the day with the help of a Windows expert.

  • Auckland, Tuesday 20 October. Register here while spaces are available.
  • Wellington, Thursday 22 October. Register here while spaces are available.

Hope to see you there!

- @nzregs and The TechNet NZ Team.

Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) & Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) quick links


Sharing what I am working on once again...another Tangent Thought!  Here are two topics that may be new to you, or not.  I just am trying to collocate resources for both ATA and OMS.  Hope these are useful to you.  I think you may hear more of these solutions at the next Microsoft Ignite....let's keep our fingers crossed :)

Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) Top Resources

ATA is an on-premises platform to help you protect your enterprise from advanced targeted attacks by automatically analyzing, learning, and identifying normal and abnormal entity (user, devices, and resources) behavior.

Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) Top Resources

The Microsoft Operations Management Suite is the IT management solution for the era of the cloud; a single solution, built to manage your entire enterprise environment regardless of location, operating system, hypervisors, or cloud provider choices.

Partner Profitability Webcast Series is One You Cannot Miss!



Woody Walton

I had the opportunity to hear Jen Sieger, a Senior Business Strategy Analyst of Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Group, provide an overview of our updated partner profitability content.   I learned a lot from her and the profitability information she shared is essential material for partners.  I was following up looking at some resources she shared and came upon this webcast series on Microsoft virtual academy:

The kick off was this morning and there is a repeat session this evening.  If you miss this one, don’t worry as the series has 8 parts.  One each week into November! Click the image below to get to the MVA series information.


September 30, 2015–Build a profitable cloud business with Microsoft
October 7, 2015–Optimizing the profitability of your project and managed services business
October 14, 2015–The importance of driving adoption of cloud services
October 21, 2015–Build intellectual property into your business model
October 28, 2015–Cloud profitability chat with Blue Rooster
November 4, 2015–Finance and metrics that matter
November 11, 2015–Levers to increase the valuation of your business
November 18, 2015–Winning loads of new cloud customers

If you are serious about your business and about enabling an optimized cloud strategy you will want to attend these.

Another great resource is the Partner Profitability Challenge!  Check it out at aka.ms/profitabilitychallenge





Video: What 0-50 million users in 7 days can teach us about big data


This video accompanies our recent blog post on the topic of the viral How-Old.netapp and our learnings from that.

Watch Joseph Sirosh present a behind-the-scenes peek into the creation of the viral How-Old.net phenomenon at Strata + Hadoop NYC 2015. Joseph talks about how this app reached 50 million users in record time, the unexpected big data challenges along the way, and some surprising findings about people and systems.

The video is just under 11 minutes long.

ML Blog Team

新サービス誕生!「クラウド ビジネス相談センター」【10/1 更新】


2015 10 1 日より、マイクロソフト パートナー ネットワーク (MPN) にご登録いただいているパートナー様向けの新サポート サービス「クラウド ビジネス相談センター」が始まります!

クラウド ビジネス相談センターは、クラウド ビジネスに取り組むパートナー様をご支援するサポート サービスです。
エンド ユーザー様へ Office 365、Microsoft Azure、Dynamics CRM Online などのクラウド ソリューションをご提案中のパートナー様、クラウドへの展開ノウハウを学びたいパートナー様に特にお勧めです。

電話番号: 0120-70-8105 (音声メッセージ [3] 番 の次に [2] 番)
受付時間: 9:00-17:30 (除:土日、祝日、弊社指定休業日)
お電話をいただく際には、お手元に事業所 ID をご用意ください。


Need a Reason to Invest in Asia’s Youth? How About 750 Million!


Did you know that 60 percent of the globe’s youth reside in Asia? That’s 750 million young men and women from all walks of life, brimming with curiosity, imagination and fresh perspectives on how to tackle a wide range of challenges. They have access to a treasure trove of computing power in their back pockets, so just imagine the possibilities if we could empower them to make the most of the technology they already have at their fingertips to make a difference in their communities.

That is where Microsoft YouthSpark comes in to invest in our youth and equip them with the knowledge and skills they will need for the future, including an appreciation of Computer Science and the adoption of a computational thinking mindset, plus access to tools and resources to help kick-start their future.


Coding Ambitions Inspired by a Cartoon

Meet Jason Chee, whose journey as a coder began in the unlikeliest of ways: by taking study breaks watching Netflix and falling in love with My Little Pony, the top rated show on the site at that time. After failing to find apps for Windows Phone, Jason decided to develop his own My Little Pony apps.

The experience reaffirmed his passion for Computer Science, resulting in him pursuing the course full-time at Singapore Polytechnic. While at school, Jason joined the Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) programme, where he helped to plan events like We Tech Care and various hackathons and eventually worked his way to becoming a Program Lead.

Much to his surprise, Jason was named MSP of the Year at the recent Imagine Cup finals. He humbly credited his success and recognition to the programme itself—the mentoring from experts, the comradery of his fellow MSPs, as well as the subscriptions to licenses for Microsoft services like Office 365 and Azure that helped inspire his development work.

Read more about how programmes like YouthSpark are helping to close the opportunity divide for youth across the region, Jason’s coding journey and the Microsoft Imagine Cup winners from Asia who are changing the world, one line of code at a time—all on the Asia Pacific News Centre here.

Congratulations to Jason and all the Imagine Cup winners from Asia. You are an inspiration to many!

最近公開された技術情報およびブログ (2015/10/01)


日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の宮崎です。先週リリースされた、System Center/Azure/Intune に関連する公開技術情報をまとめました。役に立つ手順や修正プログラムの情報など、製品をお使いいただく上で参考になる情報があるかと思います。ご参照ください。なお、ブログはすべて英語となっています。ご了承ください。



Virtual Machine Manager

A VM that Azure Site Recovery helps protect goes into a resynchronization state (3094171)



Application Proxy

All you want to know about Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD)

Application Virtualization

A simplified Microsoft App-V 5.1 Management Server upgrade procedure

Configuration Manager

iOS 9 support now available for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1 via Extension for Microsoft Intune

Configuration Manager

Now Available: Update for System Center Configuration Manager Technical Preview 3

Configuration Manager

Now Available: Windows 10 compatibility updates for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 and Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010

In the Cloud

Lunch Break, ep. 5: Kip Kniskern, Editor, WinBeta

In the Cloud

The Launch of Office 2016: The Most Secure Office EVER


Coming soon: New features for managing Windows 10 and iOS devices

Service Manager

SQL 2014 SP1 now supported

Virtual Machine Manager

2nd Edition of Microsoft System Center: Building a Virtualized Network Solution now available and free to download

Virtual Machine Manager

KB: A VM that Azure Site Recovery helps protect goes into a resynchronization state



Wiki Life: Tags 1 - What are the common tags on TechNet Wiki?


What are the standards of those tags?


Should we use "has comment" and "has comments"? Why do we even use those?


Truthfully, we use such seemingly worthless tags in order to crawl and report on stats. It helps us slice the data.

I'm not saying we should all go nuts and add those tags, but they are super helpful. And we do appreciate it when people add them. Especially the language tags. Because those inform the monthly leaderboard that Tomoaki posts about.


This will be a multi-week series.

This week I just want to scratch the surface.

We do have tags and a list of the right tags to use. Here it is:

Wiki: Common Tags


Check it out! And then come back here and comment your thoughts.

Next week we're going to start coming up with some best practices and to get this crystalized a bit.

So please use some of these tags. And if you're making edits, please see if there are any other substantial edits you can make as well. The truth is there are a ton of edits we can make. Check it out here:

Wiki: User Experience Guidelines


Thank you to everyone who's helping us get these edits done, whether tags, updating links, grammar, or adding valuable content!


Jump on in! The Wiki is warm.

   - Ninja Ed

Project Pro for Office 365 のインストール時の制限について


こんにちは、SharePoint サポートの森村です。
Office 365 で提供される Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスにて、ネットワーク経由で Office 2016 クライアント製品の一つである Project Professional 2016 をインストール可能です。
既に Excel 2013 等の Office 2013 クライアント製品を使用している PC 環境上に追加で Project Professional 2016 をインストールするパターンも多いかと思いますが、場合によっては Project Professional 2016 のインストール時にメッセージが表示され、インストールが行えないことがあります。


(2015/10/1 に内容を更新しております。)

1. インストール方法、およびインストールのメカニズムについて
2. 制限事項について

1. インストール方法、およびインストールのメカニズムについて

下記手順にて、Project Pro for Office 365のライセンスを付与したユーザーの PC 上に Project Professional 2016 のインストールが可能です。

  1. Project Professional 2016 をインストールする PC 上でブラウザーを起動します。
  2. Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスを付与された Office 365 ユーザー アカウントにて、Office 365 にサインインします。
  3. 画面右上の歯車のアイコンから [Office 365 の設定] をクリックします。
  4. [ソフトウェア] をクリックします。
  5. 左のメニューから [Project] をクリックします。
  6. [言語] のプルダウンにて使用する言語を選択後、[インストール] をクリックします。
  7. インストールの進行状況が表示されるので、インストールが完了するまでお待ちください。

Project Professional 2016 を含む Office 2016 製品を Office 365 からインストールする場合、クイック実行 (Click-to-Run/C2R) 方式という、新しいインストール方式を使用しております。
こちらの方式では、インストール中に複数の弊社 Office 365 関連サーバーへ接続してインストールに必要なファイルを順次ダウンロードしながら、インストールを行います。


タイトル : クイック実行の概要
アドレス : https://technet.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/jj219427.aspx

タイトル : Office 365 クイック実行セットアップのアーキテクチャの概要
アドレス : https://technet.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/jj219420.aspx

2. 制限事項について

既に PC 上で Office 2013 製品、あるいは Office 2016 製品をご利用いただいている場合は、下記 4 点の制限事項がありますので、ご注意ください。
なお、Office 2010 製品と Project Professional 2013/2016 製品を混在させる場合は、特に制限はありません。)

制限事項 1 : Office 2016 製品同士の制限事項
Project Professional 2016 を含む Office 2016 製品では、クイック実行インストール方式を使用するクイック実行版の製品以外に、従来のインストール方式であるWindows インストーラーを使用してインストールを行う方式 (MSI インストール方式) である、Windows インストーラー版の製品が存在します。ボリューム ライセンス版の Office 2016 製品が Windows ンストーラー版に該当します。
クイック実行版および、Windows インストーラー版の Office 2016 製品は、インストール方式の違いおよび、インストール後のファイルの配置等の違いがあるため、同一の PC 上でインストール方式の異なる Office 2016 製品を混在する構成はサポート外の構成となり、利用できません。

上記の制限のため、Windows インストーラー版の Office 2016 製品がインストールされている環境に対し、追加で Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスを使用し、Project Professional 2016 のインストールを試みると、メッセージが表示され、Project Professional 2016 のインストールが行えない動作となります。

制限事項 2 : Office 2013 製品同士の制限事項
Office 2013 製品も同様に、クイック実行版および、Windows インストーラー版の Office 2013 製品は、同一の PC 上でインストール方式の異なる Office 2013 製品を混在する構成はサポート外の構成となり、利用できません。

Office 2013 製品に関する制限につきましては下記のサポート技術情報 2753630 にてご案内しております。(Office 2016 製品に関する情報が更新され次第、リンクを追加する予定です。)

タイトル : Side-by-side installations of MSI and Click-to-Run versions of Office 2013 are not supported
アドレス : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2753630

アドレス : https://support.microsoft.com/ja-jp/kb/2753630 (日本語機械翻訳版)

上記の制限のため、Windows インストーラー版の Office 2013 製品がインストールされている環境に対し、追加で Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスを使用し、Office 2013 製品用の Office 展開ツールを使用した Project Professional 2013 のインストールを試みると、図 2 の様にメッセージが表示され、Project Professional 2013 のインストールが行えない動作となります。

図 2 : 「問題が見つかりました。」のメッセージ

----- メッセージ内容 ここから -----
申し訳ございません。お使いのコンピューターには Windows インストーラー版の次の Office プログラムがインストールされているため、Office クイック実行インストーラーで問題が発生しました :

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
Windows インストーラー版の両方の Office プログラムを同じコンピューターにインストールすることはできません。インストールできるのはいずれか 1 種類だけです。Windows インストーラー版の Office を代わりにインストールするか、または Windows インストーラー版の Office プログラムをすべてアンインストールしてから、このインストールをもう一度実行してください。

----- メッセージ内容 ここまで -----

なお、「Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013」の部分には、PC 上にインストールされている Windows インストーラー版の Office 2013 製品名が列挙されます。
このため、Microsoft Office Standard 2013Microsoft Lync Basic 2013 等の製品名が表示される場合があります。

制限事項 3 : クイック実行インストール版の Office 2013 製品、Office 2016 製品の制限事項
もう 1 点の制限事項として、クイック実行インストール方式を使用するクイック実行版の Office 製品は、1 バージョンしか利用できないという制限があります。
クイック実行版の Office 2013製品を利用している環境に、クイック実行版の Office 2016製品のインストールを行うと 3 の様に 2013 バージョンの Office 製品を削除して 2016 バージョンの Office 製品をインストールするかどうかを尋ねるダイアログボックスが表示されます。ここで [削除して続行]、を選択した場合、Office 2013 製品は削除されますため、ご注意ください。


  タイトル : "一部の古いアプリを削除する必要があります" というエラー
  アドレス : https://support.office.com/ja-jp/article/a225347f-e102-4ea6-9796-5d1ac5220c3b

3 : 「いくつかの古いアプリを削除する必要があります」のメッセージ

----- メッセージ内容 ここから -----
一部の古いアプリは Office 2016 で動作しません。新しい Office をインストールする前に、次のアプリを削除する必要があります。

Microsoft Office 365 Business - ja-jp

重要: 一度削除した古いバージョンのアプリを再度インストールすることはできません。
----- メッセージ内容 ここまで -----

なお、「Microsoft Office 365 Business - ja-jp」の部分には、PC 上にインストールされているクイック実行インストーラー版の Office 2013 製品名が列挙されます。
このため、Microsoft Office Solo 2013、Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus 等の製品名が表示される場合があります。

制限事項 4 : Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスにて、Project Professional 2013 製品を使い続ける場合の制限事項
2016 年 9 月までは Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスにて、Project Professional 2013 製品を使い続けることが可能です。
2016 年 10 月以降は Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスにてインストールした Project Professional 2013 製品への更新プログラムが配信されなくなりますため、今後の Office 365 サービス更新等の結果、その時点の最新の Office 365 サービスが使用できない、等の動作となる可能性があります。
このため、2016年10月以降は、上記制限事項 1制限事項 3 に留意しつつ、Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスにて、Project Professional 2016 製品にアップグレード インストールすることをご検討ください。

下記 TechNet ページの「Understand how long you can continue to use the Office 2013 version of Office 365 ProPlus」の章内に記載がありますので、併せてご確認ください。

  タイトル : Prepare to update Office 365 ProPlus to the Office 2016 version
  アドレス : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt422981.aspx#BKMK_Office2013

制限事項 1 から 4 までをまとめると下記の表のような対応となります。

: Office 製品と Project 製品のインストール対応表

3. 対処方法について

対処方法 1 : Windows インストーラー版の Office 2016 製品がインストールされている場合の対処方法
Project Pro for Office 365のライセンスにてインストールする Project Professional 2016クイック実行版のみとなり、Windows インストーラー版は提供されておりません(なお、Office 365 で提供している Office 365 ProPlusVisio Pro for Office 365 等のライセンスでインストールする Office 2016製品も、いずれもクイック実行版のみの提供となります。)
このため、既に Windows インストーラー版の Excel 2016 等の Office 2016 製品をご利用いただいている環境に Project Professional 2016 のインストールを行う場合は、

Windows インストーラー版の Office 2016 製品をアンインストールし、クイック実行版の Office 2016 製品をインストールする」(すべての Office 2016 製品をクイック実行版に統一する)
Windows インストーラー版の Project Professional 2016 製品を別途ご購入いただき、インストールを行う」(すべての Office 2016 製品を Windows インストーラー版に統一する)
2016 9 月までの間は
Office 2013 製品用の Office 展開ツールを使用してクイック実行版の Project Professional 2013 インストールを行う」Office 2016 製品は Windows インストーラー版、Office 2013 製品はクイック実行版)


なお、Windows インストーラー版の Project Professional 2016 はボリューム ライセンス製品として提供しております。購入方法等の詳細については下記のボリューム ライセンス コールセンターまでご相談ください。

タイトル : マイクロソフト ボリューム ライセンス コールセンター (VLCC)
アドレス : http://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/licensing/contact-us.aspx
  9:00 - 17:30

対処方法 2 : Windows インストーラー版の Office 2013 製品がインストールされている場合の対処方法
既に Windows インストーラー版の Excel 2013 等の Office 2013 製品をご利用いただいている環境に Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスを用いて Project Professional 製品をインストールする場合は、既定の設定でインストールされるクイック実行版の Project Professional 2016 をインストールすることで、問題なくご利用いただけます。

対処方法 3 : クイック実行インストール版の Office 2013 製品がインストールされている場合の対処方法
既にクイック実行インストーラー版の Excel 2013 等の Office 2013 製品をご利用いただいている環境に Project Pro for Office 365 のライセンスを用いて Project Professional 製品をインストールする場合は、上記制限事項 4に記載いたしましたように、既定の設定でインストールされるクイック実行版の Project Professional 2016 をインストールすることで、現在ご利用中の Office 2013 製品が削除されてしまいます。


「クイック実行版の Office 2013 製品がアップグレード可能なエディションの場合は、Office 2016 製品にアップグレードいただいた後に、クイック実行版の Project Professional 2016 のインストールを行う」
「Office 2013 製品のアップグレードが難しい場合は、2016 年 9 月までの間は Office 2013 製品用の Office 展開ツールを使用してクイック実行版の Project Professional 2013 のインストールを行う」

4. インストール方式の確認方法について

現在使用中の Office 2013/2016 製品がクイック実行版か、Windows インストーラー版かを見分ける方法は下記となります。

  1. Excel 2013/2016 等の Office 2013/2016 製品を起動します。
  2. [ファイル] メニューから [アカウント] をクリックします。(Outlook 2013/2016 の場合は、[Office アカウント])
  3. 右側の [製品情報] 部分以下に、[Office 更新プログラム] の [更新オプション] ボタンが表示されている場合はクイック実行版となります。表示されていない場合は Windows インストーラー版となります。

: クイック実行版の場合 ([Office 更新プログラム] [更新オプション] ボタンが存在する)

: Windows インストーラー版の場合 ([Office 更新プログラム] [更新オプション] ボタンが存在しない)

5. 関連情報

下記関連情報ページにて、Windows インストーラー版、およびクイック実行版に関する情報をご案内してます。併せてご確認ください。

タイトル : Office 2013 の展開方法
アドレス : https://technet.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/Ee624360.aspx


Step-By-Step: Installation of Skype for Business Server 2015 Enterprise Persistent Chat

The role of Persistent Chat Server allows users to participate in multi-stakeholder thematic conversations persistent over time. Teams can efficiently share information, ideas and decisions with each other. Discussions are persistent, allowing users in different geographical areas to participate even when they are not simultaneously online. This role allows you to search content, to create notifications and filters to follow conversations on specific topics. Since Lync Server 2013, the feature...(read more)

Étape par Étape: Installation d’un serveur de conversation permanente Skype Entreprise Server 2015

Le rôle de Persistent Chat Server permet aux utilisateurs de participer à des conversations thématiques multi-parties persistantes dans le temps. Les équipes peuvent efficacement partager des informations, des idées et décisions les uns avec les autres. Les discussions sont persistantes, permettant à des utilisateurs dans des zones géographiques différentes de participer même quand ils ne sont pas simultanément en ligne...(read more)

Use PowerShell to Create Windows To Go Keys—Part 4


Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to inject drivers and populate the data for Unattend.xml.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question Hey, Scripting Guy! I have a Windows To Go key. Is there a script to automatically give the key a proper workstation name or possibly even add some additional drivers?


Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Hello TG,

Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here, and the magical answer to your question, which is, "YES!" 

   Note  This is the fourth post in a five-part series. Before you read this, you should read:

Windows To Go isn’t really all that special. The ability to add drivers though DISM, automatically name a workstation, or join a workstation to a domain through Unattend.xml is still there.

The question is, "What drivers need to be injected into a Windows To Go key?"

First consider what are your target hardware platforms? If you have a defined set of machines, you could prepopulate the set after downloading them from the vendor.

Your other option is to consider that there is really only a small set of network card vendors and video drivers. If you were to prepopulate at least the main drivers from Intel, NVIDIA, and ATI for Video, and then possibly a few key network card drivers, the Windows To Go environment should be “mostly there” for a number of platforms.

To add drivers to the Windows To Go key, I use the Add-WindowsDriver cmdlet. It’s very much like using DISM. I need to provide the folder that contains the drivers I am adding and the drive letter of the operating system on the Windows To Go key.

For this example, I am continuing with the presumption that you are using the variables from my previous post and that the drivers are contained within the same folder as our PowerShell script in a folder called Drivers.


Add-WindowsDriver –Path “$DriveOS`:” –driver $Drivers –recurse

These lines will inject all drivers found within the Drivers folder into the Windows To Go key. If you remove the –recurse parameter, it will only target the root of the $Drivers variable.

To populate the settings needed for the workstation, I need to create an Unattend.xml file and copy it directly into the Sysprep folder within the Windows To Go key. At bootup, the Windows operating system will process this file and its commands for configuration.

This will be similar to working with the SAN-Policy.xml file with the exception that the data will be forever changing. Some values, such as the workstation name, will need to be populated.

I can also use a here string for this case because it allows me to dynamically create the file.

A simple Unattend.xml file to assign the time zone, workstation name, and various details in Windows could look the following example. It will create a workstation named WTG- followed by a random number sequence, and then set the time zone as Eastern Standard Time.


$Organization=’Contoso Inc.’

$Owner=’Contoso Inc. IT Dept.’

$Timezone=’Eastern Standard Time’



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">

 <settings pass="specialize">

  <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">







 <settings pass="oobeSystem">

  <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
























 <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />



I can use the same process as I did with the SAN-Policy.xml file to re-create this file dynamically, but at the end, I will copy the file directly to the Sysprep folder on the Windows To Go key.


Remove-item $UnattendFile -erroraction SilentlyContinue

Add-content -path $Unattendfile -Value $Unattend

Copy-Item -path $Unattendfile -destination "$DriveOS`:\Windows\System32\Sysprep"

With this is place, I can customize the individual Windows To Go keys with the data needed for the operating system. Of course, this is only an example for the Unattend.xml file, and there are better ways to obfuscate the Administrator password or to have the computer join a domain afterwards (whether online or offline).

What more can we do? Here’s a fun thought. Maybe we can wrap this whole script together as a workflow to image multiple keys at once!

     ...and that is a task I shall explore tomorrow.

I invite you to follow The Scripting Guys on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send an email to The Scripting Guys at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, remember to eat your cmdlets every day with a dash of creativity.

Sean Kearney, Windows PowerShell MVP and Honorary Scripting Guy

Making it easier to achieve your goals


We are removing the requirement for unique Gold Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) assigned to each competency. This means that if your organisation employs or contracts with someone who holds multiple certifications, that person’s credentials can count toward attaining multiple gold competencies (instead of only one gold competency).

In addition to that, we are also removing the Sales and Presales assessment requirement for all competencies. Sales and Presales training and assessments will continue to be available for you to consume as needed. We are simply removing Sales and Presales assessment requirements for attaining competencies.

Both of these updates are designed top make it easier for you to achieve your goals, whether that’s attaining a new gold competency or ensuring your sales staff are up to date.

Узнайте больше о технологии контейнеризации в Windows Server 2016


24 сентября мы провели вебинар на тему «Контейнеры в Windows Server 2016», где мы рассмотрели технологию контейнеризации (Windows Containers) представленную в Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3.  Из видеозаписи вебинара вы узнаете, что собой представляют контейнеры Windows, для каких задач они наиболее подходят, как выглядят и каковы особенности использования инструментов управления контейнерами в текущей предварительной версии Windows Server.

Смотреть записи вебинара

Скачать презентацию вебинара

Следите за анонсами наших мероприятий, в ближайшее время мы проведем еще один вебинар на тему: «Гибридная история Microsoft: локальные облачные сервисы и Azure».

Microsoft Social Engagement Update 1.2 for October 2015 ready soon


We are pleased to announce the release of Microsoft Social Engagement Update 1.2 for October 2015 which will be ready soon. Customers will receive an email notification on when the service will be updated.

Most noticeably you will be able to

  • create records in your Dynamics CRM from a post in your Microsoft Social Engagement
  • leverage adaptive learning for your organization’s sentiment calculations
  • get sentiment calculation for a bunch of new languages

Create records in Dynamics CRM from a post in Social Engagement

You can now connect one or more Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online instance with your organization’s Social Engagement solution to create social activities and records in CRM from a post in Social Engagement.

With the new capabilities, you can increase efficiency of your sales, marketing, and service teams, by creating rules for automatic conversions of social activity to any system or custom record in CRM.

You'll be able to create or update one or more records from a single social activity, and provide additional information to define conditions in the conversion rules.

Note: This feature is being rolled out to organizations over the coming days to ensure a smooth upgrade experience.

Adaptive learning for an organization’s sentiment calculations

The sentiment algorithm is now capable of learning from edits to sentiment values. You can turn on the adaptive learning by navigating to Settings> Global Settings> Sentiment, once the feature is enabled for your organization.

You can turn it off at any time when you’re satisfied with the quality level of your sentiment. You can also reset all edited sentiment values to the default base model for sentiment detection. The sentiment algorithm builds a  dedicated model based on the users’ inputs for each organization individually (curations isnt shared across organisations)

New sentiment and app languages introduced

The application interface and sentiment calculation are now available for Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, and Swedish besides the already available languages for the application interface and sentiment calculation.

Note: This feature is being rolled out to customers in phases over the coming weeks to ensure a smooth upgrade experience. Once rolled out, customers will receive an email  notification and they will find a new page in the Settings area  (Settings> Global Settings> Sentiment) when the solution was upgraded to adaptive learning.

Read more in this blog post and this KB article      


Load balancing DNS servers using DHCP Server Policies

This blog is authored by Ken Thomson, Premium Field Engineer, Microsoft. DNS is one of the critical services needed for accessing network resources. Response time of the DNS server is critical to the speed and performance of relying services. These two blogs have the timeout information and DNS client behavior explained in detail ( DNS Clients and Timeouts (Part 1) and DNS Clients and Timeouts (part 2) ). The important aspect of this to note is that the DNS server has a full second to respond...(read more)

Pre-download content before application installation


This is one of those tricks that many of the experienced ConfigMgr/SCCM admins out there already know about but I wanted to spread the knowledge for all those not yet familiar with the trick.

The scenario often comes up where there is a need (slow links, network congestion concerns, etc.) to get your application files out to client machines and into their cache prior to installation, to provide a better installation experience.  For mandatory deployments this happens automatically.  You make the application available now but have a mandatory deadline at some appropriate time in the future, say 2 days from now on Monday.  The ConfigMgr client will see this configuration and start pulling the files into the client's cache so they will be local and ready for fast execution on Monday (after a quick CRC check to make sure files haven’t changed since download.  However, if you are doing an optional machine based deployment then ConfigMgr has no idea if the install will EVER kick, so no pre-download is done.

I have encountered customer scenarios where the desire is still to have the files pre-deployed to the client machines because they know that many folks will start doing optional installs once allowed.  In this case you can take advantage of the above functionality, even though the actual install will be optional.

In the package/program model you create your package with all the necessary files and you create your program to run the desired command line as normal but you also make another program.  This other program does something simple and silent, like an ipconfig or such.  This you make mandatory and deploy out immediately.  Because the package files are associated with the program they will start downloading and cone down the simple program will run, basically doing nothing.  With the files now in the ConfigMgr cache they will be ready for when the 2nd program runs, at which time they will be checked and used.

In the application model things are a little more difficult because deployment types don’t share binaries like they do in the package model.  In this scenario you have to do a little more work such that a package (or application) copies files down to some temp location then your optional deployment has to be changed to execute from the temp location instead of the normal ConfigMgr cache.  Not so clean and nice. L

Behind the Scenes of Azure Data Lake: Bringing Microsoft’s Big Data Experience to Hadoop


Originally posted on the Microsoft Azure blog by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Technical Fellow on the Microsoft Data Platform team.

Microsoft just announced the Azure Data Lake, a set of big data storage and analytics services let you perform all types of processing and analytics on data of any size or shape and across multiple platforms and programming languages. Azure Data Lake builds on Microsoft’s own extensive experience in creating and operating big data platforms and services. It gives customers their choice of analytics tools with open interfaces as its built as part of the Hadoop ecosystem.

Read the original post here, or by clicking on the image below:

You can also watch a quick 2 minute video tour of the product below:

ML Blog Team

Boletins de segurança da Microsoft - MS15-097 e MS15-099 revisados em 30/09/2015


Queremos levar ao seu conhecimento a revisão de dois boletins de segurança publicadas. Em cada caso, os boletins de segurança foram revistos para fornecer atualizações de segurança para o produto recém-lançado -  Office 2016.

Aqui está uma visão geral de cada um:



Vulnerabilidades no componente gráfico  da Microsoft Poderia Permitir a Execução Remota de Código

V2.0 (30/09/2015)

Boletim revisado para anunciar a disponibilidade de um pacote de atualização do Skype para Negócios 2016. Os clientes que utilizam o Skype para Negócios 2016 deve aplicar a atualização 2910994 a fim de estarem protegido contra as vulnerabilidades discutidas neste boletim. A maioria dos clientes têm o recurso de atualizações automáticas ativado e não precisará tomar nenhuma providência porque a atualização será baixada e instalada automaticamente

Mais detalhes




Vulnerabilidades no Microsoft Office podem permitir a Execução Remota de Código

V3.0 (30/09/2015)

Boletim revisado para anunciar a disponibilidade de um pacote de atualização para o Microsoft Office 2016. Os clientes que executam o Microsoft Office 2016 devem aplicar a atualização 2910993 a fim de estarem protegido das vulnerabilidades discutidas neste boletim. A maioria dos clientes têm o recurso de atualizações automáticas ativado e não precisará tomar nenhuma providência porque a atualização será baixada e instalada automaticamente.




Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) e o Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) - links rápidos e úteis


Por mzbowe 


Estou compartilhando com vocês mais uma vez no que estou trabalhando... outro pensamento na tangente! Aqui estão os dois tópicos que podem ser novos para você, ou não. Eu apenas estou compartilhando os recursos dos ATA e OMS. Esperamos que sejam úteis para você. Eu acho que você pode ter escutado sobre essas soluções na Microsoft Ignite ...


Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) - Principais Recursos

ATA é uma plataforma utilizada nas premissas para ajudá-lo a proteger sua empresa de ataques direcionados e avançados, através da análise automática, e a aprendizagem ao longo do tempo, identificando o comportamento de entidades normais e anormais (usuário, dispositivos e recursos).


Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) -  Principais Recursos

O Microsoft Operations Management Suite é a solução de gerenciamento de TI na era da computação em nuvem; uma solução única, criada para gerenciar todo o seu ambiente empresarial independentemente da localização, sistema operacional, hypervisors, ou provedor de serviços de computação em nuvem:



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