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Use PowerShell to Parse Network Trace Logs


Summary: Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, talks about using Windows PowerShell to analyze packet trace logs.

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today I want to finish my discussion about analyzing a network trace log that was captured by using the cmdlets from the NetEventPacketCapture module.


To start my network trace, I need to use the following four commands:


$session = New-NetEventSession -Name "Session1"

Add-NetEventProvider -Name "Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP" -SessionName "Session1”

Start-NetEventSession -Name "Session1"

After I have duplicated the problem, I use the Stop-NetEventSession cmdlet:

Stop-NetEventSession -Name session1

I need to read the contents of the network trace log into a variable. I will use the variable to explore my problem and to avoid having to load and to reload the log file. This command is shown here:

$log = Get-WinEvent -Path $session.LocalFilePath –Oldest

Now I want to check the amount of time that is covered by the log:

New-TimeSpan -end ($log | select -Last 1).timecreated -start ($log | select -first 1).Timecreated

It tells me that I have nearly 7 minutes of activity in the log. And by checking the count, it tells me that I have 6,666 events in my log.

Note  I must launch Windows PowerShell with elevated permissions to create network trace logs.

The commands and their associated output are shown here:

Image of command output

These are the same commands that I create on a regular basis. I could easily create a function that I call Get-NetworkTrace that would duplicate all of these steps, and perhaps even capture a specific amount of network traffic.

Filter by ID number

If there is a problem that I am experiencing, and if I know the associated ID number, one of the easiest things to do is to filter by that specific event ID. I can do this by using the where method that was introduced in Windows PowerShell 4.0:

$log.where({$_.id -eq 1100})

If I do not have Windows PowerShell 4.0, I can pipe the output to Where-Object, but this will take a lot more time. It is shown here:

$log | where {$_.id -eq 1100}

The following image shows that there were 26 silly window syndrome avoidance events. Silly window syndrome is when the sliding window size shrinks to the point that network communication is restricted. Windows implements specific algorithms to detect and to correct this issue. When that happens, a silly window syndrome avoidance event is triggered.

Image of command output

There are also a number of retransmissions recorded in the log. I found these by looking for the string retransmit:

PS C:\> $log.message | select-string retransmit | measure

Count    : 120

Average  :

Sum      :

Maximum  :

Minimum  :

Property :

I might want to check for the link speed. I can do this by searching the log for LinkSpeed. Here are command and the results:

Image of command output

I can also see what type of TCP template is detected:

$log.message | Select-String templatetype

The output is shown here:

Image of command output

That is all there is to using Windows PowerShell to parse packet traces. Join me tomorrow when I will talk about more cool Windows PowerShell stuff.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy 

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Gewinner der #UpgradeYourWorld-Kampagne stehen fest



Vor ein paar Wochen haben wir zum Launch von Windows 10 die Internet-Community dazu aufgerufen, uns Non-Profit-Organisationen vorzuschlagen, die wir im Rahmen unserer weltweiten Kampagne #UpgradeYourWorld mit einer Geldspende in Höhe von 50.000 US-Dollar bei ihrer Arbeit unterstützen können.

Auf der Kampagnen-Website oder direkt über die Facebook-Seite von Windows sowie auf Twitter und Instagram hatte jeder Einzelne die Möglichkeit, unter dem Hashtag #UpgradeYourWorldDE eine gemeinnützige Organisation seiner Wahl vorzuschlagen. Heute präsentieren wir nun die fünf Non-Profits, die innerhalb des Abstimmungszeitraums von der Community die meisten Likes, Shares und Retweets bekommen haben und dadurch – neben den bereits im Vorfeld ausgewählten Förderverein für Jugend und Sozialarbeit, den Mobilen Rettern, dem Kinder- und Jugendwerk „Die Arche“ sowie den Vereinen Lichterkette und Sozialhelden– von uns unterstützt werden.

Hier sind die Gewinner, die sich auf vielfältige Weise gemeinnützig engagieren:

Chancen für ehrenamtliches Engagement

Das Deutsche Jugendrotkreuz ist die Jugendorganisation des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes. Junge Menschen haben hier die Möglichkeit, sich ehrenamtlich im Schulsanitätsdienst, bei Kampagnen-Aktionen, in Erste-Hilfe-Trainings, Konflikt-Mediation oder Workshops zu humanitären oder politisch und gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen zu engagieren.

Willkommenskultur fördern

Deutschland erlebt zurzeit ein beispielloses ehrenamtliches Engagement für Menschen, die ihre Heimatländer verlassen, um Zuflucht vor Krieg, Hunger und Verfolgung zu finden. Viele Menschen heißen die Flüchtlinge willkommen und helfen ihnen beim Ankommen und Bleiben. Dabei gehört die Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen jenseits überfüllter Unterkünfte zu einem der größten und akutesten Probleme. Die Initiative „Flüchtling Willkommen“ vermittelt Privatquartiere an Immigranten, um dieser Misere zu begegnen. Eine bestechend einfache Idee, die nicht alle, aber doch ein paar der brennendsten Probleme lösen hilft.

Hilfe für junge Trauernde

Zu den weiteren geförderten Organisationen gehört die Nicolaidis YoungWings Stiftung aus München. Die Stiftung ist eine Anlaufstelle für junge Trauernde im gesamten Bundesgebiet, die in Selbsthilfegruppen, mit persönlicher und telefonischer Trauerbegleitung sowie finanzieller und rechtlicher Beratung junge Witwen und Witwer unterstützt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Begleitung trauernder Kinder und Jugendlicher. Die Nicolaidis YoungWings Stiftung hilft Halb- und Vollwaisen aller Altersgruppen, sich kreativ, spielerisch und in Gesprächen mit ihrer Trauer zu beschäftigen.

Auch in schweren Zeiten das Lachen bewahren

Der Verein Rote Nasen e.V. bringt Kinder und Erwachsene zum Lachen. Und zwar dort, wo es oft nicht viel zu lachen gibt: auf Stationen der Kinderchirurgie, der Kardiologie, auf Onkologie- und Intensivstationen, in Geriatrie- und Rehabilitationszentren. Aber auch in Erdbebenregionen oder Flüchtlingslagern sind die Clowns des Rote Nasen e.V. im Einsatz. Durch Frohsinn und Improvisationskunst bringen sie auf einfühlsame Art Humor und Lachen in Krankenhäuser und Pflegeeinrichtungen.

Über den Tellerrand hinaus

Der Verein Über den Tellerrand kochen e.V. setzt sich aktiv für die Integration von Flüchtlingen ein. Er schafft in Berlin ein neues Miteinander zwischen Immigranten und Beheimateten, in der Diversität und gegenseitige Akzeptanz selbstverständlich sind und Integration Spaß macht. Zum Angebot des Kreuzberger Vereins gehören Kochkurse, Community-Treffen, Urban Gardening-Projekte, Sprach-, Bastel- und Kreativkurse sowie eine Fußballmannschaft.

Microsoft fördert ehrenamtliches Engagement

Mit #UpgradeYourWorld fördern wir beispielhaft dieses für unsere Gesellschaft so wichtige ehrenamtliche Engagement. Mit der Kampagne, die wir im Rahmen des Windows 10-Launches weltweit gestartet haben, feiern wir diejenigen, die andere inspirieren und motivieren zu helfen.

Für Microsoft ist #UpgradeYourWorld ein weiterer Baustein des langjährigen gesellschaftspolitischen Engagements und der Unterstützung des Ehrenamts in Deutschland. Neben zahlreichen eigenen Initiativen im Bereich digitale Bildung und der Förderung von Mitarbeitervolunteering, unterstützen wir mehr als 8000 Non-Profit Unternehmen in Deutschland mit Software im Wert von rund 53 Millionen Euro. Diese Arbeit werden wir als unseren Beitrag zur Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen in Deutschland weiter ausbauen. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Gewinnern der #UpgradeYourWorld-Kampagne!




Ein Beitrag von Inger Paus
Leiterin Gesellschaftliches Engagement bei Microsoft Deutschland

- - - -

Weitere Informationen zur Kampagne #UpgradeYourWorld und zu den ausgewählten Organisationen finden Sie auf der Webseite www.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/upgradeyourworld/. Eine Übersicht über das gesamte gesellschaftliche Engagement von Microsoft Deutschland finden Sie hier.



The best learning resources for Microsoft Specialist: Windows 10


Ed Jones works for Firebrand Training, a Microsoft Gold Learning Partner. He has worked in the IT training and certification industry for the past 4 years. He is a tech enthusiast with experience working with SharePoint, Windows Server and Windows desktop.

Since launching back in July, it is reported that Windows 10 has been installed on more than 100 million devices. The new operating system is a significant advancement on Windows 8.1. There are some powerful new features and security enhancements for IT pros in the enterprise version of Windows 10, including Device Guard, Windows Passport and Task View. As an IT pro looking to unleash the benefits of Windows 10 Enterprise edition, Microsoft is preparing to launch the latest series of Windows aligned certifications and official curriculum.

Windows 10 certifications inbound

First up is the new Microsoft Specialist: Windows 10 certification, which will align to exam 70-697 Configuring Windows Devices. The exam is currently available in beta and is expected in the coming months.

There are currently two Microsoft Official Curriculums (MOCs) planned for launch which appear in a two part setup and align to exam 70-697:

This credential focuses on developing and demonstrating the skills required to configure, manage and maintain Windows 10 operating systems in an enterprise environment. It includes utilising security features - such as Windows Hello and Microsoft Passport - to protect your systems and data from modern security threats.

Preparing to attain the Microsoft Specialist certification in Windows 10?

Despite the latest MOCs being unavailable, if you’re considering preparing for Windows 10 certification, there are multiple resources available to help you build the knowledge required for exam 70-697. We’ve scoured the web and collected them for you below:

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Undoubtedly the world’s largest collection of free online learning resources for Microsoft technology, the Virtual Academy has a dedicated Windows section.  Learn a full range of skills, like how to simplify planning and deployment — to ease migration from earlier versions of the Windows operating system. You can even look at step-by-step guides for planning and implementing advanced security features in Windows to keep your enterprise systems safe.

There are a series of resources dedicated to Windows 10, which will help develop the Windows 10 knowledge needed to pass the exam. Below are two great starting points:

  • Preparing Your Enterprise for Windows 10 as a Service - learn the nitty-gritty of Windows 10 as a Service: how to deploy it, modernising your infrastructure and discover other recommended resources.
  • Getting Started with Windows 10 for IT Professionals– as an IT Pro, familiarise yourself with all the new features in Windows 10 which address the shift in the digital ecosystem towards a mobile workplace. You’ll also discover the new Windows 10 deployment and management, runtime provisioning, Mobile Device Management (MDM), secure authentication and other features encompassing the use of Windows 10 as an enterprise Operating Ecosystem.


Free eBook: Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Preview Edition

Check out this free eBook from Microsoft titled Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Preview Edition, written by Ed Bott. This book focuses on the important elements of Windows 10 for Enterprises, including management, deployment, and security — all of which are crucial to the long-term well-being of the company you work for. It helps you to understand what’s new in the Windows 10 Technical Preview, with an insight into the features which will be available in the finished version of Windows 10, which aren’t yet implemented.


Neowin, a community for IT Professionals, has a dedicated Windows 10 section, which will keep you up-to-speed with the latest news and updates on Windows 10. Under the Forums section, you can discuss various topics including web design, programming, software discussion, support, etc.


Titled as “your source for Windows 10 and Microsoft news”, this is a great site for all the latest features and updates available. You can also access hundreds of Windows 10 how-to guides to build your knowledge. Or you can head to the forum and converse with likeminded professionals, sharing your experience of the new operating system. You can discuss new features, issues and potential migration strategies as well.


Created by Paul Thurrot - renowned Windows expert - this is your first port of call for all the latest news on Windows 10 including development, execution and system builds. Paul’s expert insight and analysis will help round your knowledge of the new operating system and its capabilities in the enterprise. Thurrot also provides a valuable repository of free tools and regular webinars to assist you working with Windows 10.

These resources will help build critical knowledge and prepare you for the Windows 10 exam. If self-study doesn’t work for you, there will be a range of traditional courses launching in the coming months. You can already book on to Firebrand’s accelerated Windows 10 course and secure your seat on the first course.

So there you have it, the top Windows 10 resources we could uncover, do you have any more sources which you have been using? Share them with us in Comments below.


techradar pro - "More than 100 million people are now using Windows 10"

Microsoft Specialist Exams

Microsoft Virtual Academy:




Azure Data Factory と Azure Machine Learning を活用する

このポストは、10 月 5 日に投稿された Getting started with Azure Data Factory and Azure Machine Learning の翻訳です。 今回の記事では、Azure Data Factory の新しい AzureMLBatchExecution アクティビティ を使用して Azure Machine Learning と連携する方法の最新情報についてご紹介します。Azure Data Factory では、Pig や Hive などのビッグ データ パイプラインを作成して各種データ ソースのデータを処理し、Azure Machine Learning Web サービスを利用して顧客の行動を予測できます。たとえば、次の例を見てみましょう。 モバイル サービス運営会社で、今後数か月の間にサブスクリプションを解約しそうな顧客を見きわめたい場合、顧客離れを防ぐために、実践可能で効果的な方法を生のデータから導き出すことができます。ここからは、1 か月以内に解約する可能性が高いモバイル ユーザーを特定するエンドツーエンド ソリューションの例をご紹介しましょう...(read more)

Azure Data Lake と Azure Data Factory を使用してビッグ データ パイプラインを作成する

このポストは、10 月 6 日に投稿された Create big data pipelines using Azure Data Lake and Azure Data Factory の翻訳です。 このたびマイクロソフトは、拡張された新しい Azure Data Lake を 発表しました (英語) 。拡張された Azure Data Lake には Azure Data Lake Store、Azure Data Lake Analytics、Azure HDInsight が含まれており、ビッグ データの処理と分析がより簡単になり、アクセス性も向上します。 Azure Data Lake Store は、サイズや種類を問わずさまざまなデータを簡単に取得し、あらゆるスケールのデータをアプリケーションを変更することなく高速で処理することが可能な単一のリポジトリです。Azure Data Lake Analytics は Apache YARN を基盤として構築された、U-SQL 言語対応の新しいサービスであり、お客様の強力なコードと SQL のメリットを統合することができます...(read more)

IaaS VM をバックアップする方法を5 分で学ぶ

このポストは、10 月 6 日に投稿された Learn how to back up your IaaS VMs in five minutes の翻訳です。 Microsoft Azure では、オンプレミスでハイブリッド環境の整合性を維持できる最先端の完全な IaaS サービスを提供しています。マイクロソフトは、いかなる環境のアプリケーションも保護できるように、 IaaS VM のバックアップ機能の一般提供 (英語) を開始しました。この機能は PaaS モデルでサービスを提供する Azure Backup を基盤としているため、アプリケーションの維持、クラウドでの従来の各種バックアップ ソフトウェアの実行、その他の管理に関する問題などを気にすることなく、シームレスにお客様のアプリケーションを保護することができます。 プライベート クラウドと同様に、Azure で実行されている IaaS VM のバックアップも堅実に行われています。Azure では複数レベルの冗長ストレージが提供されていますが、アプリケーションへの破損データの書き込みや単純な人為的ミス (キー入力ミスによる削除など...(read more)

Soft skills and good teachers are just as important as tech in the classroom


Posted by Mark Chaban, Area Director of Education for Microsoft Middle East & Africa

Technology is clearing the way for better and more effective education solutions. But it can’t replace the ‘essentials’ of good education.

And, while much focus has been placed on skilling students up to work in a 21st Century work environment, it’s often soft skills, like business communication or how to prepare for an interview, that prevent them from getting the jobs they want. Perfecting this balance, between old and new teaching methods, and between hard and soft skills, is especially important in developing nations, and teachers play a vital role.  These are some of the things I was excited to discuss at the Innovation Africa summit in Uganda earlier this month, where the theme was “Developing Skills for 21st Century Africa”.

Twenty-first century Africa is an interesting place to be. The continent is home to almost 200 million people between the ages of 15 and 24, making up 45% of the total labour force. And this number is expected to double by 2045, with the continent’s labour force becoming larger than China’s.

However, the skills the youth have don’t match what the labour market is looking for. Bringing technology into the classroom can help solve this challenge and ensure Africa’s workforce is globally relevant.

Tech can’t replace the teacher

 As we bring technology into the classroom, we need to be careful that we use it to complement, rather than replace, traditional teaching practices. For example, when we implemented the Office Student Advantage program in schools across Africa, it was done hand-in-hand with teacher training, to incorporate it into their usual methods to enhance their lessons rather than replace them.

I spoke to Microsoft expert educator, Milton Chebet from Uganda, who said that computers have helped him and his fellow teachers improve their own knowledge on the subjects they teach. The benefits of this have been passed on to their students, whose marks have increased substantially. 

Another example: mathematics teachers often tell me how our software helps their students understand complex concepts by making things like geometric shapes more tangible. Using their fingers to manipulate angles in real-time helps students easily grasp the laws that define them. But the teacher’s role, to get students excited about the subject, answer their questions and guide them towards their own discoveries, is invaluable.

These are the kinds of scenarios we think about when developing our software for education. We want to help the educators do their jobs more easily, not replace the critical role they play.

Students need soft skills too

Another key topic at the summit was around skills. Over the years, the kinds of skills technology companies are looking for have changed. Many companies, like Microsoft, are now placing a strong emphasis on ‘soft skills’ as well as ‘hard skills’. For example, IT skills are critical for our employees, but so are creative thinking and problem solving, and knowing how to collaborate.Teachers now need to help students develop both skill sets to ensure they are employable.  To help with this, we have introduced Employability Platforms throughout the Middle East and Africa. They are designed to equip African youth with the right hard and soft skills, career guidance and resources to bridge the skills gap and secure first-time job opportunities.

Technology in education is an interesting field, because its success depends almost completely on maintaining the delicate balance between the wonderful possibilities technology makes possible in the classroom and teacher-led, personalised learning. Similarly, you can have all the knowledge in the world, but might not be able to land your dream job without knowing the etiquette of the business world, or how to work well with others.

After the summit, I was left feeling hopeful and inspired that the industry is on the right track. Let’s continue to find ways to help educators be more effective in the classroom, and forge partnerships across the public and private sector to ensure youth have the skills they need to follow their dreams.

Quick note: new SQL MP with fixes around dashboards available


This is just a short info that  a new SQL MP is available for download here.

According to the MP guide it contains several fixes:

  • Added a support for disabled TCP/IP protocol
  • Fixed performance metrics error that may occur on some localized versions of Windows
  • Fixed bugs in monitor tiles on SQL Server Summary Dashboard
  • Fixed incorrect performance of Transaction log free space monitor
  • Added new type of events from failed discoveries; added a new rule that collects such events
  • Added overrides to prevent various scripts timeout failure
  • Removed some 1X1 tiles from Summary Dashboards
  • Filestream filegroups are excluded from discovery for now
  • 2008/2012 Summary Dashboards tiles were reorganized

In my test environment everything seems to work now, so happy testing and evaluating :)

Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts


Vi sætter ekstra fokus på vores netværk af Microsoft Innovative Educators (MIE) - et netværk som er vokset fra 8 til 38 lærere de sidste måneder. Netværket har mødtes til tre events her hos Microsoft. Den aktivitet kommer til at fortsætte og det første event har allerede fundet sted. Følg vores aktiviteter på Twitter #miedk og #mieexpert. Nedenfor er lidt billeder fra det seneste event.

Såfremt du er interesseret i at høre mere om MIE programmet og tilmelde dig, se mere her MIE Expert program og kontakt Vivien på a-vivmid@microsoft.com, så hjælper hun gerne.

Vi håber naturligvis, at du har lyst, tid og mulighed for at deltage i et eller flere af disse spændende tiltag. Såfremt du har idéer til andre emner du gerne vil have sat på dagsorden, vil vi prøve at få disse idéer realiseret.

Der vil være mange forskellige arrangementer og I er velkomne til dem alle. Det koster som sædvanligt ikke noget.


Af Morten Ovesen, Pædagogisk uddannelseschef


Office 365 Things You Need To Know: Office 2016, When will it be available in Office 365?


Todd Sweetser

Hi Cloud Sellers!

A very common question we have been hearing since Office 2016 has been released is “when will my Office 365 ProPlus or Business customer receive the Office 2016 client?”  While this should be cut and dry, it is a bit more complex than you would expect.  After some investigating we were able to find a good resource online on a Wiki post in the Office 365 Community, Office 2016 Problems and Solutions and Frequently Asked Questions.

Specifically, this table is copied from that page that describes how this is handled based on Office 365 Plans or versions:

Office 365 plans or versions

Upgrade timeline

Default Update branch

More Information about how to upgrade

Office 365 Business plans (Small Business Premium, Business, Business Premium)

Available now for new installations.

Automatic upgrades will occur later this year.

Current Branch

See How do I update Office to Office 2016 using Office 365 for business?

Office 365 ProPlus SKU(Enterprise, Midsize, Education)

Planned for the first quarter of 2016.

Current Branch for Business*

Where can I find information about updating Office 365 ProPlus to the Office 2016 version?

*ProPlus can be configured to use Current Branch if desired. See the

Configure the update branch to be used by Office 365 ProPlus section from here.

First Release

Available now.

First Release for Current Branch for Business

More information about First Release for Office

Office 365 Home, Personal, or University.

How do I get my Office 365 upgrade to Office 2016?
Note this does not apply to business products.

Note that Office 365 ProPlus and Business update timing is different as there is a new functionality called Update Branches (similar to Windows 10.)  For details on how this works is documented at Overview of update branches for Office 365 ProPlus

A few other good resource links on the topic:

Prepare to update Office 365 ProPlus to the Office 2016 version
Change management for Office 365 clients
Office 365 client update branch releases

BTW, please check out the full series on Office 365 You Need to Know here: http://office365.msts2.com

Thanks!  And good selling!


Checking AGPM GPOs managed with powershell


Hi all,

It's been a long time since I posted anything here. Basically life, baby and all that happened taking all of my free time.
That doesn't mean I have stopped working with GPOs and Powershell.

Recently a new version of AGPM has been released : AGPM 4.0 SP3: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt346469.aspx

On top of now being compatible with Windows 10 client, it also introduce the first set of Powershell cmdlets for AGPM: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt445493.aspx

I have been promoting AGPM to my clients for a while now.
One of the "issue" that was reported with AGPM by clients, was that it introduced an issue in GPMC.

What I mean is that after installing AGPM you have the add-in "Change Control" that appears in GPMC

This is where "AGPM" is and where you should now manage your GPOs.

But you can still edit the production GPOs through GPMC, mostly Domain admins.
There are ways to remove that right but it can be reversed (http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2011/06/21/forcing-domain-admins-to-use-agpm-but-not-really.aspx)
So in the end only Education of your administrator will work.

This "issue" can introduce divergence between the version in production and the one in AGPM.
This could lead to settings in production being lost when a GPO that was modified in AGPM is deployed.

The script I am presenting you will help identify those GPOs that have been modified outside of AGPM and prevent possible loss of setting.

It is based on 2 powershell cmdlet:

Get-controlledGPO: New cmdlet provided with AGPM 4.0 SP3 that list all GPOs managed by AGPM. Meaning that a copy of the GPO is in the AGPM Archive.
Get-GPO: classic GPO cmdlet that list all GPOs in a domain.

Based on the different dates and version number provided by the cmdlets, we can now have an idea of the status of GPOs managed by AGPM.

Controlled: with a value of Yes or No will let you know if the GPO is controlled by AGPM.

Version status: Values can be

"AGPM version in production": same GPO in production and in AGPM (all is good)
    "New AGPM version not in production": the GPO is being modified in AGPM. Next step would be to by deployed in production. So check the modification date to see if it is a recent change or a GPO that was not put in production.
    " Modified in GPMC": You need to check this GPO as it has been modified outside of AGPM.

This is a first version of the script and it has only been written to work on the current domain. I have not yet tested with an AGPM that contains multiple domains, even if this is not a recommended configuration it can be found.

As usual let me know your thoughts and suggestions on this script.

Scrip can be found here

Nigerian student accepts the challenge to change the world with technology


 By: Olusola Amusan

Seventeen-year-old Nigerian student, Saviour Okusenogu, is passionate about making a positive difference with technology. He wants to ignite a similar interest in science and engineering in other students from developing countries so they can find innovative solutions to some of the problems they face. 

Saviour hopes his project, “Become Inspired in Science and Engineering Technology”, will be the spark these students need. As one of the winners of Microsoft YouthSpark Challenge for Change, he’s already well on his way to making this happen.

During his first year of university, Saviour attended a series of workshops where Aiki partner for Microsoft, Sola Amusan, told students about Challenge for Change and encouraged them to sign up. The contest is aimed at encouraging young people who are already doing amazing things, as well as those with big ambitions, and just need a little help to take action.

“I had noticed that most students were too preoccupied with academic activities, and making no time to develop innovations,” says Saviour. “When I heard about Challenge for Change I knew it was the perfect opportunity to begin my project and get funding for it to inspire other students with technology.”

After competing against thousands of entries from more than 100 countries, Saviour was made one of the 10 grand prize winners. He received $2500 to help turn his dream into a reality, as well as the opportunity to serve as a Microsoft YouthSpark Advocate and take advantage of YouthSpark training and resources. And, while the other winners went on a leadership-development trip to Nicaragua, Saviour elected to go to Kenya instead.
“The trip to Kenya was awesome,” says Saviour. “We spent most of our time learning about the social issues in a community in the country and we also volunteered to build classrooms for the community. It opened my eyes to viewing problems from a different perspective and has given me new ideas for impactful solutions.”

During his trip, Saviour also learned about the five pillars a community needs to grow: education, healthcare, clean water and sanitation, agriculture and food security, and alternative income. He hopes to use technology to make a difference across these pillars. “I’ve learned a new perspective for looking at problems and coming up with solutions. I’m even considering these key pillars as a module in my project,” he says.
Saviour feels that being one of the Challenge for Change winners has given him the tools to transform his ideas and dreams into reality. He hopes to be able to expand his project throughout Nigeria and other African countries to show students like him the possibilities of science and engineering.

He echoes our beliefs at Microsoft that the combination of technology and young people can change the world. “I believe that whatever you do, technology can have a positive impact. It is a secret ingredient that anyone needs to have a better and easier life. If everyone agrees to embrace it and improve it, the world would surely be a better place to live in.”

Wordpress on Azure

Microsoft Azure è una piattaforma cloud interoperabile, che ospita più di 100 servizi di infrastruttura applicativa per innovare, trasformare il datacenter, creare applicazioni di nuova generazione per tutti i device, operare su big data e IoT, e integrarsi con i linguaggi di programmazione leader di mercato. Wordpress è il Content Management Server leader per l'implementazione di siti istituzionali, rispondendo ai più semplici requisiti (Blogs, Wikis) fino alle...(read more)

Exchange Server Role Requirements Calculator Update


v7.8 of the calculator introduces support for Exchange 2016! Yes, that’s right, you don’t need a separate calculator, v7.8 and later supports Exchange 2013 or Exchange 2016 deployments. Moving forward, the calculator is branded as the Exchange Server Role Requirements Calculator.

When you open the calculator you will find a new drop-down option in the Input tab that allows you to select the deployment version. Simply choose 2013 or 2016:


When you choose 2016, you will notice the Server Multi-Role Configuration option is disabled due to the fact that Exchange 2016 no longer provides the Client Access Server role.

As discussed in the Exchange 2016 Architecture and Preferred Architecture articles, the volume format best practice recommendation for Exchange data volumes has changed in Exchange 2016 as we now recommend ReFS (with the integrity feature disabled). By default, for Exchange 2016 deployments, the calculator scripts will default to ReFS (Exchange 2013 deployments will default to NTFS). This is exposed in the Export Mount Points File dialog:


The DiskPart.ps1 and CreateDag.ps1 scripts have been updated to support formatting the volume as ReFS (and disabling the integrity feature at the volume level) and enabling AutoReseed support for ReFS.

This release also improves the inputs of all dialogs for the distribution scripts by persisting values across the various dialogs (e.g., global catalog values).

For all the other improvements and bug fixes, please review the Release Notes, or download the update directly.

As always we welcome feedback and please report any issues you may encounter while using the calculator by emailing strgcalc AT microsoft DOT com.

Ross Smith IV
Principal Program Manager
Office 365 Customer Experience

Ask the Perf Guy: Sizing Exchange 2016 Deployments


Uh oh. You are probably thinking to yourself, here comes another one of those incredibly long blog posts about sizing. Thankfully, it’s not. If you want to fully understand the sizing process for Exchange 2016, you are certainly welcome to read the previous post that I did for Exchange 2013, as the overall process is effectively the same with one major caveat. Since we have eliminated the CAS role in Exchange 2016, you must follow the process for multi-role deployment sizing.

Overall, the inputs to our sizing formulas stay the same from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016. This means that our IOPS requirements, memory requirements, and all of the other values provided in the Exchange 2013 sizing guidance should continue to be used for Exchange 2016. We are changing one set of inputs, however.

Processor requirements

We are slightly increasing the processor requirements for Exchange 2016 (compared to Exchange 2013) as this is a very new release, and we are still learning how it performs in production. This slight increase in CPU provides some additional headroom for unanticipated issues, and may be changed in the future as we learn more from our internal deployments as well as customer feedback. The same SPECint_rate2006 baseline value described in the Exchange 2013 guidance should continue to be used (33.75 per-core).

Messages sent or received
per mailbox per day
Mcycles per User, Active DB Copy
or Standalone
Mcycles per User,
Passive DB Copy

These changes are reflected in v7.8 and later in the calculator.

System scalability

The previously released guidance on maximum recommended cores and maximum memory size for Exchange 2013 also applies to Exchange 2016. As we continue to evolve the hardware platform that we use for Exchange Online, we will update this guidance, but for now you should be planning deployments around these existing recommendations.


If you are at all familiar with the process for sizing the last couple of Exchange releases, you will be very comfortable with Exchange 2016. As with any new release, you should plan to roll-out in stages and monitor the health and performance of the solution carefully. We do expect that our performance and scalability guidance for Exchange 2016 will evolve over the lifespan of the product so watch the Exchange team blog for future updates.

Jeff Mealiffe
Principal PM Manager
Office 365 Customer Experience

Windows 10: MAP v9.3 (Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit)


Applies to:

Windows 10

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows 8.1

Windows Server 2012

Windows 8

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Windows 7 SP1


Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit version 9.3 that is compatible with Windows 10 has released


To learn about MAP:

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit


Download at:

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit


How to use the MAP Toolkit:

Quinta-Feira - Conselho Spotlight - O que mudou no conselho da nossa comunidade?

Olá comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil.

Bem vindos ao nosso Conselho Spotlight.

O que mudou no conselho da nossa comunidade?

O conselho da comunidade é uma ferramenta importante para o nosso grupo de colaboradores. Ele atua em todas as áreas da comunidade e, traz informações sobre os nossos membros e sua colaboração, define estratégias para melhorar os recursos e ajuda principalmente a mapear as melhores contribuições. Lembro que esse é o caminho natural da evolução de um membro, o convite para se juntar ao conselho internacional depende exclusivamente do seu destaque nas colaborações e na ajuda em nossa comunidade. Ele passa a ter uma visão diferenciada da comunidade porque passa a influenciar direta ou indiretamente os outros membros com seu exemplo.

Nós contamos com um grupo forte de membros ativos que vão desde funcionários da Microsoft a grupo externo.

Para mais informações visite a nossa página: TechNet Wiki Community Council

O que mudou no conselho da comunidade é a chegada de novos membros ao conselho.

Com esta boa notícia temos sim, representação da comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil nesse grupo.

Recentemente tivemos a promoção de um membro da comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil para o conselho, você já deve ter visto vários post dele aqui no blog. Trata-se de.....


Perfil: Jefferson Castilho

Ele é o mais novo representante brasileiro no conselho internacional da comunidade.

Além dele tivemos também a promoção dos seguintes membros.


Perfil: Andy ONeill


Perfil: Carmelo La Monica

Parabéns aos novos membros do conselho da comunidade.

Colabore com nossa comunidade e quem sabe o próximo pode ser você.

Obrigado pela oportunidade.

Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos ++

Årets mest inspirerende BI-dager


Velkommen til årets mest inspirerende BI-dager med Peter Myers!  Peter er en instruktør av verdensklasse, og for kun 3500NOK vil du få opplæring i det som regnes som hans spesialfelt. Kurset består av tre enkeltstående dager, og har til hensikt å hjelpe våre partnere med å produsere BI-løsninger på en rask og kvalitetssikker måte.


Dag 1: Microsoft Analytics Inspiration Day - 09.11.2015

This 1 day seminar will take you througt the newest features within Azure ML, PowerBI and Datazen.


  • 09.00-10.00: Data Platform, Business intelligence and Analytics – Overview

  • 10.10-11.10: Machine Learning and Analytics (Azure ML & Cortana Analytics Suite)

  • 11.40-12.40: Visualisation and Data Discovery (Power BI)

  • 12.50-13.50: Mobile BI on-prem (DataZen)

  • 14.00-15.00: IoT (Azure Event Hub, Azure Notification Hub, Azure Stream Analytics & Power BI)

  • 15.10-16.00: Modern Data Platform (SQL 2005 EOS & SQL vNext)

Practical information

  • Seminar time: 09.00-16.00

  • Course location Microsoft, Lysaker torg 45, 1366 Lysaker – 1.etasje – Auditorium

  • Registration: Sign up for the traininghere

    Pris: 500NOK


Dag 2: Partner Enablement Bootcamp focused on Excel BI - 10.11.2015


In this one-day bootcamp, you will learn about Excel BI power tools to deliver powerful BI solutions. This training covers Excel as the familiar and flexible tool when working with data. Learn how the "power" add-ins can be used in data gathering, shaping, modeling and analysis of data as well as in creating modern charts and graphs.

Empower partners with the technical skills to produce Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for their customers, in turn helping them put their data to work to make better business decisions faster, to focus on the right opportunities, and to win more business.


  • Introducing Business Intelligence

  • Developing a PowerPivot Workbook In Excel 2013

  • Discovering and Preparing Data with Power Query in Excel 2013

  • Authoring Reports in Excel 2013

  • Producing Geospatial Tours with Power Map in Excel 2013

  • Sharing Excel 2013 Solutions

Practical information

  • Course time: 09.00-16.00

  • Course location Glasspaper AS, Brynsveien 12, 0667 Oslo

  • Course time: 09.00-16.00

  • Registration: Sign up for the training here

    Pris: 3500NOK


Dag 3: Partner Enablement Bootcamp focused on Power BI - 11.11.2015


In this one-day bootcamp, you will learn about the new Power BI capabilities including Power BI as a business analytics service and the Power BI Designer. We will showcase live dashboards, reports and how you can see visualizations and KPIs from data that reside on both on-premises and in the cloud, providing a consolidated view across your business regardless of where you data lives. We will also cover the Power BI Designer which is a visual data exploration and interactive reporting tool that provides a free-form canvas for drag and drop exploration of your data, an extensive library of interactive visualizations, and an authoring experience for ease of report creation for the Power BI service. This training includes new hands-on-labs based on the new Power BI Service. 


Empower partners with the technical skills to produce Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for their customers, in turn helping them put their data to work to make better business decisions faster, to focus on the right opportunities, and to win more business.


  • Introducing Business Intelligence

  • Power BI for business users

  • Power BI for BI analysts

  • Power BI for BI and IT professionals

  • Power BI end to end recap

Practical information

  • Course time: 09.00-16.00

  • Course location Glasspaper AS, Brynsveien 12, 0667 Oslo

  • Registration: Sign up for the training here

    Pris: 3500NOK

About the instructor

Peter Myers has worked with Microsoft database and development products since 1997. Today he specializes in all Microsoft Business Intelligence products and provides mentoring, technical training, and training course content authoring for SQL Server, Office and SharePoint. He has a broad business background supported by a Bachelor’s degree in applied economics and accounting, and he extends this with solid experience backed by current MCSE certifications. He has been a SQL Server MVP since 2007. He is the author of the Power BI training course.


ISV Accelerator Program – Atividades de Outubro: Material dos Live Webcasts (Azure, Windows 10, Office e Cross Plat)

ISVs e Desenvolvedores: MPN Accelerator Program
Prezado Parceiro Microsoft!
Gostaríamos de mais uma vez expressar o nosso enorme agradecimento em nome do time de Consultoria Técnica para Parceiros Microsoft por seu interesse nascapacitações (live webcasts) do ISV Accelerator Program.
Realmente esperamos que estas capacitações e o programa como um todo estejam atendido suas expectativas, e, assim tenham agregado valor ao seu negócio, permitindo alavancar suas oportunidades e projetos futuros.
Com isso, abaixo disponibilizamos as gravações das três sessões online, material, recursos adicionais e sugestões de próximos passos:
Resumo do programa ISV Accelerator:
Nome da Sessão
Desenvolvimento Cross-Platform no Visual Studio – Cordova e Xamarin
14/ Out
Overview da Plataforma de Desenvolvimento – Parte 2: Office e Office 365
Overview da Plataforma de Desenvolvimento – Parte 1: Windows 10 e Azure
Labs on Azure – Primeiros Passos: PaaS e Migração de Aplicativos
Muito obrigado e bons projetos!
Eumar Assis
Partner Technology Consultant
Americas Partner Services
CSS Americas - SM&P & Dynamics
© 2015 Microsoft Corporation

Script OffCAT for use in an Enterprise


The Microsoft Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) is a powerful tool that detects several hundred known issues about Office programs and displays the results (in a scan report) with a solution link to for each detected issue. The report also includes a detailed tree-report display of several thousand configuration settings from the scanned machine as well as the results of a Calendar scan (using CalCheck) when Outlook is the scanned program. But, there are some important factors to consider when using OffCAT in a global enterprise with many subsidiaries/locations and users with varied technical backgrounds.

  • Not all users in the enterprise may have Internet access

  • You want to hide the detailed OffCAT scan results from the user

  • You want to minimize the administrative overhead when creating packages for each new OffCAT version

If any of these items are a concern for you, then one approach is to script the command-line version of OffCAT instead of installing the OffCAT program on Office clients. Then, Help Desk personnel can open the scan results in the full OffCAT client to determine the follow-up resolution/troubleshooting steps for the user. Briefly, the script can:

  1. Copy the needed OffCAT files from a network share to the client on which the script is being run.

  2. Start the OffCAT scan using the command-line executable OffCATcmd.exe.

  3. Email the results to a Help Desk distribution group.


In this blog post, the different components of an example script (attached) are provided and discussed so that you follow along with the explanations provided below. Then, you can develop your own script based on these building blocks and ideas.

Example script solution

Use the following steps to implement a scripted solution for OffCAT.

  • Create a network share where all clients that may be scanned have Read access.
    If done correctly, it should look like this:

To do this you need to download and install OffCAT. Use the installed files as a source for the files you copy to the share. After doing this, you should have created the above file and folder structure in the share.

  • Determine the scope of the script.

But, before you code the script, a few decisions have to be made:

    • Decide what applications you want to scan.

It is possible to scan just one Office program, all Office programs, or every possible subset of Office programs. In our script example it is possible to scan one Office program or all Office programs.

    • Determine the Office Version you need to scan.

Maybe you have a mixed environment where different Office versions are installed. In our example, we scan Office 2013 if it is installed. If not, Office 2010 is scanned.

    • Know the Type of installation that has to be scanned.

You may mix C2R-Installations and MSI-Installations within your company, but it is not possible to mix it on one client. So, you may need to check for the Office installation Type on the machine. The command-line argument for OffCATcmd.exe requires that you specify the installation Type that's being scanned.

    • Decide how to start the script and handle the completed scans.

Since you are proobably trying to limit the amount of effort required by end-users, you can start the script using a link provided to the user (by email?) and you can also email the scan results back to the Help Desk.

For our solution, we send an email message to the client with a link to the script. The script also includes the option to either automatically reply back with the scan file attached (as .zip) or not respond back at all (leaving the file(s) on the drive).

    • Pick a scripting language you will use to build the solution.

We recommend PowerShell for maximum forward-compatibility. When you use PowerShell the access policy needs to be considered to secure the solution. For example, the script needs to be signed.

After you have decided on these things, you can start to code.

  • Create the script

After the necessary OffCAT files are copied to a network share and you have decided the scope of the script, the next step is to create the script.

We start the sample script by defining an enum for the different Office applications we want to scan. In this case, we created the enum to be able to scan everything (All) or one single application.

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"

public enum OfficeApp














Then, we create one enum for the Office Version. We need to scan either Office 2010 or 2013.

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"

public enum OfficeVersion


    O14 = 14,

    O15 = 15



The function to start the scan comes next:

function runoffcat{

To keep a large number of scans organized when the Help Desk is reviewing OffCAT scans using the full OffCAT client, there should be a uniquie “speaking name” for every scan. In the script, the scan filename includes the scanned Office Application (the function gets as an argument), the machine name and the timestamp when the scan was taken:

$resultfile = $args[0]+'_'+$machinename+'_'+(Get-Date -format dd-mm-yy)+'.xml'

 OffCATcmd.exe requires several command-line arguments. The values are set in the management part of the script and result is used here.

  • The Office version that will be scanned as argument by calling the function:


  • Office version that will be scanned:


  • The type of the installation:

Installtype msi'


  • And the location to save the scans:

$resultpath and $resultfile

This all combines to one Parameter String, that can be passed to the commandlet (for -ArgumentList).

 $offcatargs= '-cfg '+$args[0]+' -gs MajorVersion '+$OVersion.value__+' Installtype msi','-AE','-ND','-NoRTS','-dat "'+$resultpath+"\"+$resultfile+'"'

 Use the Start-Process Commandlet to start the OffCATcmd, pass the Arguments and control the number of windows, that are opened.

 Start-Process $localpath\Offcatcmd.exe -ArgumentList $offcatargs –NoNewWindow

 Then, wait for the running OffCATcmd process until going on. (There is only one OffCATcmd.exe process that can be running at one time.)

 $proc = Get-Process OffCATcmd

            Wait-Process -InputObject $proc


This was the heart of the solution. Now the management part should be defined.

The first step are the Parameters we need. These you can take from the decisions discussed previously:


    [Parameter(mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [OfficeApp]$toScan,

    [Parameter(Position = 2)] [boolean]$Mail = $false,

    [Parameter(Position=3)] [OfficeVersion]$OVersion = [OfficeVersion]::O14


At the beginning of the script development we wanted to start the script from an email message sent to the user and and then a replying email to the sender would include the scan result. After a time using the script we decided to include the option to use it without email. Otherwise, it is only possible to run a scan when Outlook is working!

" UseOffcat for Office Apps:"+$toScan +" Office Version="+$OVersion+" and send a Mail:"+$Mail.ToString()

#Check only for outlook if a Mail should be sent

if ($Mail -eq $true)


    #Create Outlook Object - Mail is opened becaus clicking the link initiates the Process

    $outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application

    #Ticketnumber and Sender read from Mail with Link - Should be active Mail in Explorer no matter if the Mail is opened in Inspector or not

    $Exp = $outlook.ActiveExplorer()

    $prev = $Exp.Selection.Item(1)

    if ($prev.MessageClass.ToString() -eq "IPM.Note"){

    $sender = $prev.SentOnBehalfOfName

    $TicketNo = $prev.Subject


That’s why the part for sending the email message is included in a condition.

The check for the installed Office version that is installed may be different depending on the version that is installed. At my customer we needed to check only for Office 2013 (15):

test-path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Office15.PROPLUS

After this, we defined the values for the network source location containing all of the OffCAT source files, and where to temporarily save the files locally on the client that will be scanned.

$srcdir = <Path of the rules files>

$cmddir = <Path of Programm and dll files including tools>

$localpath = (Get-Content env:LOCALAPPDATA) + "\Microsoft\offcat"

$resultzip = <Name of compressed resultlile>

Note, it is possible to use the files directly from the share to do the scan; however, we recommend copying the files to the client. In our tests we had various problems when we did not copy them locally. This is why we decided against using the files directly from the network share.

if (test-path $localpath){remove-item $localpath -Recurse -Force}

    New-item -path $localpath\Tools\x86 -ItemType directory

    New-item -path $localpath\en -ItemType directory

    foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem $srcdir)) {
           Copy-Item $item.FullName $localpath\en


    foreach ($cmditem in (Get-ChildItem $cmddir)) {

           if ($cmditem.Extension){

           Copy-Item $cmditem.FullName $localpath

    foreach ($cmditem in (Get-ChildItem $cmddir\Tools\x86)) {

           Copy-Item $cmditem.FullName $localpath\Tools\x86

Before scanning Office there are a few variables we need to define and then we can check the Parameter for the Office Application that should be scanned. We create a condition if we need to scan everything or just one Application. If we need to scan everything we loop through the enum and scan for every Application in the enum.

If($toScan -eq [OfficeApp]::All)


    Foreach ($Oitem in [OfficeApp].GetEnumValues())


        if(-Not ($Oitem -eq "All"))




 } else {

    runoffcat ($toScan.ToString())


After the scans are complete we compress the results. To do this we use the assembly for creating zip files (System.IO.Compression.FileSystem)

If we do not email the results we copy the zip file to the temp folder (%temp%), and then we can delete the OffCAT-files at the end.

 "Creating compressed file"

 Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" ;

 if ($Mail -eq $true)

    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($resultpath, $localpath+$resultzip)

    } else {

    "No Mail sent, so create the zip in temp directory"

    (Get-Content env:temp)+$resultzip

    if (Test-Path ((Get-Content env:temp)+$resultzip)) {remove-item ((Get-Content env:temp) + $resultzip) -Force}

    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($resultpath, ((Get-Content env:temp) + $resultzip))


The next step is to send the results by email (if this option is enabled).

if ($Mail -eq $true)


    #Mail to sender including the Ticketnumber (in subject)

    "Start sending mail"

    $mail = $outlook.CreateItem(0)

    $mail.To = $sender

    $mail.Subject = $TicketNo

    $mail.Body = "Das Offcat Ergebnis "


    #save the mail if anything happens during the send process



    "Mail with offcat logs sent"

At the end, all files that were either copied down from the network share or created during the scan are deleted.

if (test-path $localpath){remove-item $localpath -Recurse -Force}

This way, there are no OffCAT files left on the client after the scan.

Maintenance items

There are two things to maintain when choosing this solution for your company:

  • Keep the rule files in the source directory up-to-date

  • Change the exe files and dll files if there is a new version of OffCAT available

You should run OffCAT at least a couple times each month to see if new rule files are available or if the application version has changed. Click the ‘About OffCAT’ control on the OPTIONS page to get the version numbers of the rule files and the OffCAT application.

In our environment, we use one installation of OffCAT that will be updated to get the actual rule files. Those files are copied to the share.


 Joachim Fumy

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