MS OMS 數據使用方式
OMS 中的數據使用方式 有些人在使用雲端時可能會感覺迷失,可能會對使用率和數據感到不確定,進而感覺自己身在一個不確定的環境中。 在 OMS 儀表板的左方,可以看到一個磚寫著 使用方式。如下圖: 點選進入後,您可以看到分為...
View ArticleStuck: Roadside assistance when you need it, how you need it
Azimuth Labs is an Australian startup that has developed Stuck, a new app that will revolutionize the way you pay for and receive roadside assistance. The aptly named app is an on-demand service that...
View Article3 Dinge, die wir gestern in Shanghai angekündigt haben
Unter dem Hashtag #MicrosoftEvent haben wir gestern nach Shanghai geladen, um Neuigkeiten rund um unsere Surface Produkte bekannt zu geben. Surface Pro Neugestaltung in Design und in der technischen...
View ArticleHow to Upgrade Windows Clients with Multiple Languages installed to Windows 10
Consider following scenario: Your corporate Standard Desktop Client has Multiple Language Packs installed and you have planned to go with Windows 10. If you want to skip the introduction you can jump...
View ArticleStep-By-Step: Migrating Active Directory FSMO Roles From Windows Server 2012...
With Windows server 2016 was released for public (GA), many businesses are working on migrating their services to the new offering. This post will walk you through the steps needed to migrate Active...
View ArticleConfiguration Manager Current Branch Antivirus Update
We have provided numerous additions and features to the Configuration Manager with the Current Branch model. As a result of the changes, you may have noticed your Antivirus exclusions may need to be...
View ArticleWiki Life: How writing articles can impact on your career?
It’s awesome to work as a technical person in a company forever, but it’s rarely possible! The business world usually changes fast and that stressful day will come when you have to leave your current...
View ArticleTip o’ the Week 378 – Sharing, caring
One of the Charms in Windows 8 promised to make it easy to share content between applications – rather than copying & pasting, maybe it would be better to allow the source application to provide...
View ArticleBliżej chmury publicznej – scenariusze migracji skrzynek pocztowych do Office...
Hybryda systemu Exchange Server pozwala na współistnienie lokalnego systemu pocztowego Exchange Server z Exchange Online w usłudze Office 365. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu część skrzynek pocztowych może...
View ArticleHello world!
Hello World! This is where I will post tips and some of the cool work we are doing @AzureBackup.
View ArticleDeveloper and administrator tools for Microsoft Azure
By Christos Matskas, Premier Azure Dev PFE at Microsoft Microsoft Azure has seen a massive adoption in the enterprise and it’s continually growing in size, availability and service offerings. As...
View Article#mitdabei: High Five für die Cloud!
Smartphones oder Tablets sind für Wissensarbeiter das (mobile) Office in der Hosentasche. Das spiegelt sich auch auf den jeweiligen Home-Screens wider: Sie zeigen, auf welche Anwendungen und Dienste...
View ArticleRaus aus der Servicewüste
“Keine Internetverbindung möglich”. Für viele gibt es nur noch wenige Sätze, die ein vergleichbares Unbehagen auslösen können wie dieser. Ob unterwegs oder zuhause: Die Vorstellung, von der digitalen...
View ArticleSharePoint と OneDrive の新機能がデジタル トランスフォーメーションを加速
(この記事は 2017 年 5 月 16 日に Office Blogs に投稿された記事 New SharePoint and OneDrive capabilities accelerate your digital transformation の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。) このたび開催された SharePoint Virtual Summit (英語)...
View ArticleSneak peek på workshopkonferencen den 29.5. om 21st CLD og digital kreativitet
Totalt udsolgt – det er situationen på workshopkonferencen vi afholder på mandag den 29.5. her hos Microsoft. Vi er stolte og glade for den store interesse for vores events og vores fokus på det 21....
View ArticlePláčete vy či vaše infrastruktura?
O minulém víkendu jsme byli svědky řádění první verze ransomware nákazy WannaCrypt, častěji také označované jako WannaCry, Wanna, Wanna Crypt0r a podobně. Jejím cílem bylo zašifrování obsahu pevného...
View ArticleOptimize SQL for SCOM
Maybe I’m old school, but do you ever feel like optimizing SQL is like playing a video game? Keep on shooting, hopefully you don’t hit your thrusters and drift and then die! Does your SQL DBA Team...
View ArticlePKI: which templates are built-in and which are from my company?
A colleague asked me a question on behalf of his customer. They were doing a discovery in a rather messy PKI environment and the question arose: which templates are standard (default), and which ones...
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