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WPR/Xperf: Capture high cpu, disk i/o, file, registry, networking, Private bytes, Virtual bytes, Paged Pool/Nonpaged pool and/or application slowness.


Applies to:

Windows Server 2012

Windows 8

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows 7

In the previous post (Installing the Windows Performance Toolkit v5.0 (WPRUI, WPR, Xperf)), we went thru installing the Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT).

Note:  In Windows Server 2008 R2 and 64-bit Windows 7, you will need to set the following registry key:


HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

DisablePagingExecutive (dword) 1 (hex)


What does this do?

“This tells the operating system not to page kernel mode drivers and system code to disk, which is a prerequisite for getting 64-bit call stacks using wpr/wprui/xperf, because 64-bit stack walking depends on metadata in the executable images, and in some situations the wpr/wprui/xperf stack walk code is not allowed to touch paged out pages.”

What if I don’t want to change this setting?

You will not get the detailed information that we (Microsoft) or the 3rd party ISV or 3rd party OEM or your in-house developers need to grab to troubleshoot the issue.

How much extra memory does this consume?

~7MB of nonpaged pool memory.

Does this need to be done in 32-bit Windows 7?  No.

Does this need to be done in Windows Server 2012 or 32-bit/64-bit Windows 8?  No.


Right click on “Windows Performance Recorder”

Click on “Run as administrator”


Click on the drop down “More options”


You will see the following options:

Profiles for performance recordingWhen to use?
CPU usageHigh cpu in Application(s) or Service(s) or the System process.
Is your application hanging for 5 seconds to a couple of minutes, do you want to find out why?
Disk I/O activityIs there an application, or service, causing a high disk utilization?  Or a storage driver that is causing a slow disk i/o?
File I/O activityLook at files and folders that are being touched.
Registry I/O activityLook at registry hits and modifications.
Networking I/O activityProvides local and target IP addresses, the target port and the dynamic port that the different applications are utilizing.
Heap usagePrivate bytes (user mode memory leaks)
Pool usagePaged pool and/or Nonpaged pool (kernel mode memory leaks)
VAlloc usageVirtual bytes (user mode memory leaks)
Power usagePower changes by the processor.
GPU activityVideo card performance
Audio glitchesOn a call and your audio is stuttering?
Video glitchesIs the video quality bad?
Internet ExplorerIf Internet Explorer is slow to browse to a particular website.
Minifilter I/O activityAntivirus slowing you down?  Find out.

In this example, I’ll be checking the box for “CPU Usage”:

Check the box for “CPU Usage”

Note: If you are troubleshooting a memory leak related issue, you might want to change the “Logging mode:” from Memory to File.

Click on “Start”


Reproduce the issue

Click on “Save”


Under “Type in a detailed description of the problem:”

Type something that provides information of the problem and repro steps.

Next to “File Name:”, select the path that you want to save the file to.

By default, it saves it to %user%\Documents\WPR Files\

Click on “Save”


Wait while the trace is being merged.


Click on “OK”


Click on “Cancel” to stop tracing.


The next step is to analyze the .etl data.

You could use the new “Windows Performance Analyzer” or go back to XperfView.



Installing the Windows Performance Toolkit v5.0 (WPRUI, WPR, Xperf)

XPerf versions

XPerf version 4.6 from July 2009

XP/Server2003:Xperf.exe, XPerfView.exe and XbootMgr.exe missing after installing the WPT (Windows Performance ToolKit)

More information:

Windows Performance Analysis Developer Center

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