Microsoft WS2012 Community Roadshow er et Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) drevet (og Microsoft sponsoreret) træningsevent som har til formal at introducere den nye Windows Servers tekniske nyheder. Formålet med at lade MVP´er levere indholdet er at gøre det mere relevant i forhold til hverdagsscenarier.
Title: Windows Server 2012 Community Roadshow
Sprog: Engelsk
Level: 300 (Kan svinge fra 200 - 400)
Dato: 18. december 2012 (tirsdag)
Varighed: 1 dag
Tid: 09:30-18:00
Sted: Microsoft (MDCC), Frydenlunds Allé 6, 2950 Vedbaek
Instruktør: Alex Juschin
Pris: Gratis
Managing Core Infrastructure
- Different Windows Server 2012 Editions, Licensing
- What's new in 2012 Management - PowerShell, GUI
- What's new in 2012 Direct Access
- Active Directory Management
- Roles and Features Management
- What's new in Hyper-V
- What's new in PowerShell
- What's new with Storage and many other new features!
Supporting VDI and Remote Access:
- Prerequisites and overview of RDS Remote Host Server, RDS Gateway, RDS Web Access and RDS Remote Desktop Host.
- What is new in 2012 compared to 2008/2008 R2. Protocol, management and deployment improvements in detail.
- Multimedia support., Multi-monitor support, Peripherals support.
- RDS related policies.
- Task automation – PowerShell & RDS/VDI.
- Various mobile client overview and what is supported by specific platforms. How to make your mobile experience even better.
- Deployment scenarios.
- Windows 8 as RDS client and “server”. Windows 8 and Windows 7 in VDI scenario.
- The new RDS Touch experience.
Om instruktøren:
Alex Juschin (aka, Dr.Conti)
Microsoft MVP for Remote Desktop Services
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