We continue our march to TechEd North America and TechEd Europe with another star in the ARC track hit
parade. In the world of cloud computing, identity issues are going to take an increasingly important role. That’s because in the worlds of private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud, it’s likely that you’re going to have to deal with more complex identity management and access control issues then you had when working with traditional enterprise IT.
Enterprise IT had everything worked out, just deploy Active Directory and you’re good. Well, it’s actually not that simple, but things get even less simple when dealing with issues such as federated identity and identity providers outside of your command and control.
That’s why I think you’ll get a lot out of Gayana Bagdasaryan’s talk on Identity Infrastructure Fundamentals and Essential Capabilities. Gayana works with identity issues and technologies every day in her role as technical writer connected to our Azure identity team. That role has enabled her to gain unique insights and observations based on countless hours of discussion with our brightest identity minds in the company. I’m sure you will enjoy her talk – and you’re likely going to be entertained too as Gayana has training as a actor! Enjoy! –Tom.
Here’s a few things that Gayana has to say about herself. I’m a Microsoft technical writer working on documentation for Active Directory, Federation Services, and Windows Azure Access Control Service. I’ve a BA in Computer Science and Fine Arts.
I began my career as a test engineer for various MS products, including Outlook Express, the Exchange server, and Office Communicator. After switching to technical writing 6.5 years ago, I’ve been focusing primarily on the identity-related products and documentation.
In my spare time I like making candle light dinners and taking long walks on the beach .
Presentation Title: Identity Infrastructure Fundamentals and Essential Capabilities (ATC-B209)
Presenter: Gayana Bagdasaryan
Duration: 75 mins
Format: Breakout session
In this session we cover the fundamental pillars of identity, as defined by the Microsoft solution architects, that can be useful in creating a strategic direction for an identity infrastructure in your organization. We also cover identity infrastructure capabilities specific to both on-premises and cloud computing that we at Microsoft are most often asked by our customers to implement. We provide introductory information on the existing Microsoft solutions that can help you obtain these popular identity infrastructure capabilities. We might also demo some of these capabilities as they take shape in the upcoming Windows release.
I hope to see you there!
Tom Shinder
Principal Knowledge Engineer, SCD iX Solutions Group
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