Sitting at the McCarran International Airport waiting for my flight to Amsterdam (the Netherlands) I had some time to kill so I wrote a simpel PowerShell script which helps to easily download the MMS 2013 sessions from the Channel 9 RSS feed.
Using the Out-GridView Cmdlet you can easily select the sessions you are interested in. Click on Ok when finished selecting the sessions you are interested in downloading.
After creating my initial version I got some feedback that sometimes the script did not work and with the help of Jamie Moyer (also a Senior PFE like me) we made the script more robust and added extra features like a HTML Report overview.
You can even use the –verbose switch and other parameters to tweak the download folder. We hope you like the improvements.
####################################################################################################################### # Description: Download MMS 2013 Channel 9 videos # PowerShell version: 3 # Author(s): Stefan Stranger (Microsoft) # Jamie Moyer (Microsoft # Example usage: Run Get-MMS2013Channel9Videos.ps1 -path c:\temp -verbose # Select using the Out-Gridview the videos you want to download and they are stored in your myvideos folder. # You can multiple select videos, holding the ctrl key. # Disclamer: This program source code is provided "AS IS" without warranty representation or condition of any kind # either express or implied, including but not limited to conditions or other terms of merchantability and/or # fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this # program code. # Date: 04-13-2012 # Name: Get-MMS2013Channel9Videos.ps1 # Version: v1.001 - 04-14-2012 - Stefan Stranger - initial release # Version: v1.005 - 04-29-2013 - Jamie Moyer, Stefan Stranger - added more robustness and HTML Report ######################################################################################################################## #requires -version 3.0 [CmdletBinding()]Param (# Path where to store video's locally [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]$Path= [environment]::getfolderpath("myvideos") +"\MMS2013", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]$rssfeed="" )function Get-NewFileName($name) { Write-Verbose "Calling Get-NewFileName Function"$r=$Path+"\"+(($name-replace"[^\w\s\-]*") -replace"\s+") +".wmv";$r } Write-Verbose "Remove last slash if added using the downloaddirectory Parameter"if ($path.EndsWith("\")){$path=$path.Substring(0,$path.Length-1)} write-verbose "Path is: $path" Write-Verbose "Checking if Download directory $Path exists"if(!(test-path $Path-PathType Container)) { Write-Verbose "Creating $Path" New-Item -ItemType Directory $Path| Out-Null } Write-Verbose "Downloading RSS Feed Items from $rssfeed"$feeditems= Invoke-RestMethod $rssfeed [array]$feeditemsWithDetails=$feeditems| select Title, Summary, Duration, Enclosure,creator | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AlreadyDownloaded -Value {(test-path("$Path\$($this.enclosure.url.split('/')[6])"))} -PassThru -Force | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Destination -Value {("$Path\$($this.enclosure.url.split('/')[6])")} -PassThru -Force | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Source -Value {$this.enclosure.url} -PassThru -Force | select AlreadyDownloaded,Title, Summary, Duration, Enclosure,Source,Destination,creator | sort Title Write-Verbose "Add all already downloaded items back to the list"$duplicateVideoNames=$feeditemsWithDetails|sort name| group destination | where-object {$_.Name -ne""-and$_.Count -gt1} |ForEach-Object {$_.Group} Write-Verbose "Remove the posts with duplicate file names from the feeditemsSelected array"$feeditemsSelected=@($feeditemsSelected| Where-Object {$duplicateVideoNames-notcontains$_}) Write-Verbose "Change video names to filenames, check to see if they are downloaded already and added them back to the array with updated details"$duplicateVideoNames|foreach-object {$newDestination= Get-NewFileName $_.Title$_.Destination =$newDestination$_.AlreadyDownloaded = (Test-Path $newDestination)$feeditemsWithDetails+=$_ } Write-Verbose "Open Out-GridView to select vidoes to download" [array]$feeditemsSelected=$feeditemsWithDetails| Out-GridView -PassThru | select AlreadyDownloaded,Title, Summary, Duration, Enclosure,Source,Destination Write-Verbose "Downloading videos"$feeditemsSelected|Where-Object{!(Test-Path $_.Destination)} | select Source,Destination | Start-BitsTransfer -Priority Normal | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Add all already downloaded items back to the list"$feeditemsWithDetails| where-object {$_.AlreadyDownloaded} |foreach-object {if(-not [bool]($feeditemsSelected| Select-String $_.Title -Quiet)) {$feeditemsSelected+=$_ } } Write-Verbose "Create HTML Report"$feeditemsSelected| sort Name | Out-Null$html=$feeditemsSelected|?{Test-Path "$($_.Destination)"} |% {@"<H4><a href="$($_.Destination)">$($_.Title)</a></H4> <H5>Speaker(s): $($_.creator)</H5><H5>$($_.Summary)</H5>"@} Write-Verbose "Open HTML Report" ConvertTo-Html -Head "<h1>My Downloaded MMS Videos - $($feeditemsSelected.Count) Downloaded</h1>"-Body $html| Out-File$Path\MyMMSContent.html;start "$Path\MyMMSContent.html"
Have fun!