GitHub | GitHub Enterprise is now available for purchase
As of January 8, 2019, Microsoft customers will have the ability to purchase GitHub Enterprise through their Enterprise Agreements (EA and EAS). GitHub Enterprise enables you to bring GitHub to work and offers flexible deployment options, centralized permissions, and hundreds of integrations that enable you to take advantage of the benefits of GitHub without compromising on features.
To learn more, visit the GitHub Enterprise webpage.
Azure Database Migration Service | Support for PostgreSQL to Azure Database for PostgreSQL online migrations is now available
Use Azure Database Migration Service to migrate PostgreSQL databases hosted on-premises, on a virtual machine, or on AWS RDS PostgreSQL, to Azure Database for PostgreSQL while the source database remains online during migration.
To learn more about how to use the Azure Database Migration Service to perform online migrations with minimal downtime, read this tutorial.
Azure Database Migration Service | Support for MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL online migrations is now available
Use Azure Database Migration Service to migrate MySQL databases hosted on-premises, on a virtual machine, or on AWS RDS MySQL, to Azure Database for MySQL while the source database remains online during migration.
For more information about how to use the Azure Database Migration Service to perform online migrations with minimal downtime, read this tutorial.
Azure Data Box Disk | Data Box Disk is now generally available (GA) and Blob Storage on Azure Data Box is in preview
Azure Data Box Disk, an SSD-based solution for offline data transfer to Azure, is now generally available. Data Box Disk is now available in the US, EU, Canada, and Australia, with more regions to be added over time.
As detailed in Manu Aery's blog post, Blob Storage on Azure Data Box is now available in preview. When enabled, this feature will allow you to copy data to blob storage on Data Box using blob service REST APIs.
To learn more, read the full blog post and visit the Azure Data Box website.
Order your Data Box Disk today.
Azure Database Migration Service | Support for SQL to Azure SQL Database online migrations is now available
Migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database with minimal downtime by using Azure Database Migration Service.
Learn how to use Azure Database Migration Service to perform online migrations from SQL Server on-premises, or on virtual machines to Azure SQL Database, with minimal downtime by reading this tutorial.
Azure SQL Database | Additional compute levels added to vCore-based Azure SQL databases and elastic pools
The range of available compute resources for vCore-based elastic pools and single databases has been expanded within the general purpose, business critical, and hyperscale service tiers. This provides you with more flexibility and choice when converting DTU-based deployments and right-sizing workloads for the cloud.
To see the new options and how to save more on your monthly bill with reserved capacity pricing and Azure Hybrid Benefit, visit the pricing page.