This week the Public Update (PU) for Project Server 2013 and 2016 were released for September 2018 . Client updates were released on Sept 4th; server updates on Sept 11h. Typically the client updates release on the first Tuesday of the month and server on the second Tuesday release schedule.
There was a Project Server 2010 Cumulative update package released this month but it did not contain any Project updates - just the SharePoint ones. Mainstream support for Project and Project Server 2010 ended October 13, 2015 - see An SP1 patched 2010 system (with no SP2) is no longer supported - see the Lifecycle site for more information -
We are now delivering as Public Updates, although Server fixes are shipped just via the Download Center and not via Microsoft Update (Unless there is a security element or a fix deemed essential - this month both SharePoint Server 2016 and 2013 fixes have security fixes - so some may have come down via the update center). These are still all cumulative and include fixes released in all previous updates since the last baseline (Initial release for 2016 and SP1 for 2013).
A note about Click-to-Run (sometimes abbreviated C2R) versions of Project for Office 365. The updates for this version are not included in this blog. For some information about Click-to-Run versions, please see the following site for version numbers and some fix information: We may have a future blog with additional information about Click-to-Run update channels and methods.
Also a note for users of the Project client connecting to Project Online - see you will have needed a '2016' level client to connect starting since the end of June 2017.
Feel free to open a support case if you have any questions around this or need assistance getting these patches deployed.
We should be back to 'normal' install times now - but leaving this comment here just in case...
The 2013 PU releases also have a real prerequisite of the appropriate Service Pack 1 (SP1), and links for SP1 are given below. SP1 is enforced in this release, so you will find out (as I did) if you really do have SP1 for all your installed components and language packs! This also means RTM is no longer supported! See too which describes an issue you might see if you don't have the 'right' SP1. Slipstream would work with the original SP1 - but the updates require the re-released SP1. Since the May PU this shouldn't be an issue - but including here just in case.
Another important point to add here is that there was in early 2013 running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard on a server with Project Server 2013 installed -this is fixed by applying the April 2013 or later- so a good practice would be to load SP1, then the current PU and then run the configuration wizard (if you didn't already load the April 2013 through June 2014 CU).
Project and Project Server 2016
An overview of all the Office 2016 releases for September 2018 can be found here - - September 2018 updates for Microsoft Office
Project Server 2016
With the 2016 release, we just have a single patch (usually this single patch comes in two parts... a wssloc and sts2016 part - however this month we only have the sts2016 part) - as we have also the single msi for installation of SharePoint Server 2016 (Project Server still needs licensing separately though). Both parts need installing before the configuration wizard is executed. The sts2016 part of the patch also contains security fixes so is released via Microsoft Update, the Update catalog as well as the download center.
Description of the security update for SharePoint Server 2016: September 11, 2018- Includes Project fixes, like the roll-up patch in Project Server 2016.
There is a database schema update this month - it changes to 16.0.4744.1000. Remember, Project Server 2016 data is in the content database. The version number 16.0.4744.1000 can be used to control the connecting client to the September 2018 level. For reference - the RTM build number seen for the DB schema would be 16.0.4327.1000.
Project 2016 Client package:
Project and Project Server 2013
An overview of all the Office 2013 releases for September 2018 can be found here - - September 2018 updates for Microsoft Office. This include multiple fixes, so Microsoft strongly recommends that you test this in a test environment based on your production environment before putting this fix live in production. You can read about the fixes included in the Project and Project Server July PUs from the following articles:
Project Server 2013 Server Rollup Package
September 11, 2018, cumulative update for Project Server 2013 (KB4092475)
Project Server 2013 Individual Project Package - (cumulative, but only the Project Server fixes):
Description of the security update for Project Server 2013: September 11, 2018 (KB4092480)
The version number 15.0.5067.1000 can be used to control the connecting client to the September 2018 PU level. Project Professional Versions (Project Server 2013 settings)
SP1 for Project Server 2013 can be found here -
Project 2013 Client Package: