Over a year ago, we announced public preview of Intune on Azure and followed up six months ago with general availability of the new admin experience for Intune on Azure. Starting on April 2, 2018, we will turn off mobile device management (MDM) in the classic Silverlight console for those customers using Intune standalone and instead ask that you use Intune on Azure for all your MDM needs.
Most standalone customers are already using Intune on Azure. From scalability improvements to optimizations across EMS workflows, Intune on Azure provides a more integrated, streamlined admin experience for your modern management needs. If you are a standalone Intune customer still using the classic Silverlight console for MDM, please stop and familiarize yourself with Intune on Azure. We do not expect any end user impact with this change.
Remember, a few things are different by design between the new and the old consoles. While these differences have been documented, just raising the frequently asked support questions in this post.
- Check that your MDM compliance policies are showing up in Intune on Azure. For more information on how to do that, go here: https://docs.microsoft.com/intune/device-compliance-get-started. Compliance policies you created in the classic portal are migrated but are not displayed in the Azure portal because of design changes in Azure. Compliance policies you created in the Intune classic portal are still enforced, but you must view and edit them in the classic portal. If you have not already, you’ll want to create the new compliance policies in the Azure portal, so you can continue to edit them as your business needs change.
- Per the Office Message Center (MC) Post and support blog linked below, we are still in the process of migrating your Android Enterprise (formerly known as Android for Work) settings. We will complete this work shortly.
- MC124465: Updated Feature: Manage Android for Work devices independently from Android devices in the Intune Console
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/intunesupport/2017/11/07/managing-android-for-work-devices-independently-in-the-intune-console/
- Remember, we will post a message to you when the migration for your tenant is complete so you can use the new features.
- Per the MC post and support blog linked below, Conditional Access policies for Intune will now be available in Azure Active Directory.
- MC125029: Conditional Access policies for Intune will now be available in Azure Active Directory
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/intunesupport/2017/11/16/support-tip-conditional-access-policies-for-intune-will-now-be-available-in-azure-active-directory/
- Know that classic PC management will remain in Silverlight. We recommend that you use MDM to manage your Windows 10 devices instead of using the legacy Intune PC client. You can learn more about PC management here: https://docs.microsoft.com/intune-classic/deploy-use/intune-on-azure.
- If you are a hybrid customer (using Intune & Configuration Manager), Android Enterprise and Lookout onboarding will still be available in the classic Silverlight Intune MDM console.
You may want to let your helpdesk know about this change. Intune classic MDM documentation for standalone Intune customers found on docs.microsoft.com will be retired to avoid confusing guidance.
For new features and other service updates:
- View What’s New for a summary of weekly service updates.
- Sign up for weekly email digests! Since Intune service change messages are over in the Office Admin console, to make it easy for you, just login to https://portal.office.com with your admin credentials and do a one-time sign up for the weekly digests. That way you can get summaries of all the changes sent weekly via email even if you are not frequently in the admin console. Note though, you will need to also have an Exchange subscription to receive these emails.
- Let us know if you don’t see a feature you want (or vote up) the item in Microsoft Intune UserVoice.