I was asked today if there was a way to change individual quick action items via GPO, and unfortunately, there isn’t. You can, however use Group Policy Preferences (GPP) to do this.
Take for example, switching to Tablet Mode. These are the 3 registry keys involved.
Path: HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionImmersiveShell
Note that all of the below keys are of value REG_DWORD
Key: TabletMode
0 = Off
1 = On
Key: SignInMode
0 = Auto Switch to tablet mode
1 = Go to the desktop
2 = Remember what I used last
Key: ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference
0 = Don’t ask me
1 = Always ask me before switching
2 = Don’t ask me and always switch
Hope this helps someone else.