Following on from last post, I’ll continue with the app story, but this time via the Azure Active Directory Application Proxy. The app proxy allows you to publish on-prem web apps, while leveraging the identity security benefits that Azure Active Directory provides. For OEM partners that are looking at ways to integrate traditional in house web apps with new cloud capabilities, the AAD App Proxy makes this process very easy.
Figure 1: The initial steps for setting up the AAD App Proxy include choosing Enterprise Applications within Azure Active Directory, and then clicking Application Proxy
Figure 2: Next we need to choose Download Connector
Figure 3: From the server where we want to run the connector we run setup.
Figure 4: The only configuration we need to perform on the server is signing in to our Azure AD Global Admin account.
Figure 5: Switching back to the Azure Portal, choose Add an application, and then populate the Add your own on-premises application
Figure 6: Once the new app has been added, we can make some customisations, including enabling the app and choosing a logo, amongst others.
Figure 7: Next we should add a test user or group, and we do this via Add Assignment, Users and Groups, and Invite.
Figure 8: Signing in to we can see that internalapp is now published to Admin
Figure 9: Clicking on internalapp opens up a new tab, where you can see the URL and the successfully loaded web page from the internal server we published