Following script will check for Long File Names,Folders and File+Folders. Any location which contains more then (249 – User OneDrive Folder Length) will be reported, This outout is stored in a Share with UserName_ComputerName Format. THis can be run as Scheduled tasks
$OneDriveLocationLength = $Env:OneDrive.Length
$LengthToCheck = 249 – $OneDriveLocationLength
$SyncFile = “\NetworkShareOneDriveSyncissues” + $Env:USERNAME + “-” + $Env:COMPUTERNAME + “.csv” #Replace with Network Share
$Columns = “Name” + “;” + “Type” + “;” + “IsFolderLengthLong” + “;” + “IsFileLengthLong” + “;” + “IsFolderFileLengthLong” + “;” + “Length”
$columns | out-file -filepath $SyncFile -append
$PathExclusion = @(“Windows”;”Program Files”) # Add/Remove folders that you will like to exclude from Scan
$Drives = @(“C:” ; “D:”) #Add/Remove Drives from Scran
$FoldersToCheck = @()
foreach($Drive in $Drives)
$Folders = Get-ChildItem $Drive | Where-Object {($_.PSIscontainer -eq $true) }
foreach ($Folder in $Folders)
$Exclude = 0
$Count = $PathExclusion.Count
while($i -le $Count)
if($ -eq $PathExclusion[$i])
$Exclude = 1
if ($Exclude -eq 1)
$FoldersToCheck += $folder.FullName
function FileLength ($FileLengthDir)
$FilesForLength = @()
$FilesForLength = Get-ChildItem $FolderToCheck -Recurse -ErrorAction silentlycontinue | Where-Object {($_.PSIscontainer -eq $false) }
foreach($FileForLength in $FilesForLength)
if($FileForLength -eq $null)
if($ -ge $LengthToCheck)
$Output = $FileForLength.Fullname + “;” + “File” + “;” + “” + “;” + “Yes” + “;” + “” + “;” + $
$Output | out-file -filepath $SyncFile -append
if($FileForLength.Fullname.length -ge $LengthToCheck)
$Output = $FileForLength.Fullname + “;” + “FolderFile” + “;” + “” + “;” + “” + “;” + “Yes” + “;” + $FileForLength.Fullname.length
$Output | out-file -filepath $SyncFile -append
function FolderLength ($FolderToCheck)
$FoldersForLength = @()
$FoldersForLength += Get-Item $FolderToCheck -ErrorAction silentlycontinue | Where-Object {($_.PSIscontainer -eq $true) }
$FoldersForLength += Get-ChildItem $FolderToCheck -Recurse -ErrorAction silentlycontinue | Where-Object {($_.PSIscontainer -eq $true) }
foreach($FolderForLength in $FoldersForLength)
if($FolderForLength.fullname.length -ge $LengthToCheck)
$Output = $FolderForLength.fullname + “;” + “Folder” + “;” + “Yes” + “;” + “” + “;” + “” + “;” + $FolderForLength.fullname.length
$Output | out-file -filepath $SyncFile -append
if ($FolderForLength -eq $null)
FileLength ($FolderForLength.fullname)
foreach ($FolderToCheck in $FoldersToCheck)
FolderLength $FolderToCheck