Wondering what this Public Cloud is all about?
Heard of this thing called Windows Azure, but not really sure what it is and how you can take advantage of its services?
Then I have the answer for you .. Windows Azure IT Camp
Join us on March 26 in Auckland or April 8 in Christchurch for a full day on all things Azure, specifically our Infrastructure as a Service offerings such as
- Virtual Machines
- Virtual Networks
- Cloud Storage
So join local Microsoft experts as they introduce you to the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Virtual Machines, and help walk you through hands-on demonstrations of the power of IaaS on the Windows Azure platform
We will also have a special segment on Cloud Integrated Storage, a new solution from Microsoft to help you cost effectively manage your Tier 2 storage growth pains by leveraging the low cost of Azure storage.
To register, click one of the links below:
I look forward to seeing you there.