Who has never dreamed of reading a rather long article on Technet on his (or her) tablet ? Who has never tried to print the same article and find the result disappointing ?
Technet Library is evolving
You may have identified the change but for a few weeks now, the default configuration when you go to the Technet Library is "Lightweight".
This configuration is going to be the standard in the near future.
Create your PDF
If you have tried to print an article some time ago, have a second look.
Let's select Windows Server 2012 as the topic that interest us. Select the "Library" tab then Windows Server 2012.
Then on the right hand side, click on the arrow near the printer
Then select "Print Multiple Topics" and follow the instructions.
Browse the Library for the different articles that you want to read / print and for each of them select "Add This Topic"
Once you have made your selection, simply go to the "Collection" and select the output format that fits your needs.
Now, you can read the documentation of your favorite products !
Enjoy !