HelloWikicommunity,todayisthedayofMondayinterview withWikiNinja.
It ismypleasure to introduce Jefferson Castilho.
Site: http://jeffersoncastilho.wordpress.com
Twitter: @je_will
Special thanks to Fernando for conducting the interview in Portuguese:
Who are you,whereyou are, andwhat you do?
Myname isJeffersonWilliamCastillocurrentlyresidesin São Paulo,I consultWindowswith a focus onprojectsin aMicrosoftpartner company,andalsohelpin theMicrosoftCommunitywithmy specialties.
What are thetechnologiesofyour specialty?
Currently workingwithprojects in thespecialties.
Exchange Server
Active Directory
AndI haveother areasin whichI've worked onsome opportunities.
Windows Client
Microsoft Forefront ThreatManagement Gateway
Windows Server
How did youmetTechNet Wikiandwhathis first collaboration?
I mettheTechNet Wikiforsome articles,onoccasionI have been searchingto see whatwastheWiki andhowcould contributefound alecturein whichI don't rememberheadexplaininghow it workedthe process ofhow to help.
My first contributionwasan error inExchange Server.
In addition tohis work on theTechNet Wiki,inwhichother sitesdo youcontribute?
I havemy personal blogthatis(http://jeffersoncastilho.wordpress.com)in whichis gearedtoproblem I haveon my day-day, takingin more thanayearalmost35milaccesses.
Another bloginwhich I amone of theCreatorsalong withmy friendJohn Paulandthe MVPEduardoSanchez,isthe(http://msinfra.net),the projectwas bornfrom an ideaofhaving a blogseveralvariousMicrosoft technologies.And canhelp youwithour knowledge andsharinginformation with others.
HelpalsoinCooperati(www.cooperati.com.br)amiscellaneous informationportalin whichsome articles aboutpublicOffice365.
What are yourmajorprojects now?
I'mfocusing onsome projectsofOffice365,I'm working onalso instudies inWindowsIntune, Windows Azurefor Assemblyof new articles.
What do you do withtheTechNet Wikiandhowitfits in yourwork?
I thinkin the will ofalwayswanting moreinformationaboutnew technologies,andalwayswhenI have a questioncall uponWiki.Thatin most casesalwayshas solvedmy problems.
Whatmostinterests youatTechNet Wiki?
In factthe Wikihelps tobealways up to datewithall technologiesof themarket for itsdiversity ofcontent.Actuallyshowingarange ofvery usefulinformation.
Among thearticles youcontributed totheTechnetCommunityWiki, whatare yourFavorites?
Let me quotesome articles.
Reducingsize of theWINSXSFolder
This articlewas featuredin April2014.Winningthe silver medal.
Service health(Office365)
Enabling"RecycleBin"in ActiveDirectory fromWindows Server2012R2
Cannot Connectto thevirtual machine.Try toconnectagain-Windows Server2008R2Hyper
Exchange Server2010-Requirethat allsendersareauthenticated
Whoimpressed himin the CommunityWikiandwhy?
Firstthe communityMicrosoftBrazilis great,plus I havesome namesthat have helped mein thisearlycommunityas somenames ofMVP´sRafaelBernardes, ErickAlbuquerque, ViniciusMozart,these guyshelped me withquestions abouthow to contribute to the community.
In whichtodayhavelove for whatI doin blogs,onwiki anditishelping mein myday-dayto be abetter personin my profession.
Thanks to all whocontributeinWikiBR!
You can find this interview in Portuguese here:
Thank you forcontributionsandinterviewJefferson!
Comebe a partof theWikiteamcommunitycontributingMicrosoftNinjas.
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