The TNWikiSummit15 will be made available to the largest possible attendees, always respecting their Fundamental Principles.
First, here were our previous blog posts for this great event:
- Wiki Life: International TNWiki Summit 2015
- International Spotlight: The TNWiki Summit 2015
- Council Spotlight: Fundamental Goals to TNWiki Summit
English language is the official language of TNWiki Summit, but we will make sure that our Summit has an expanded schedule with more time for even more sessions.
TechNet Wiki has today written articles in over 40 languages and dialects from over 60 countries on TechNet Worldwide.
So It's recommended that times possible to increase conditions of participation for Community members living in Western and also Eastern countries.
As a way of rewarding the Best International Communities on TechNet Wiki, this event will provide some sessions for Speakers of non-English languages.
These languages were selected based on the average growth of each language in the last 12 months as indicated on Blog TechNet Wiki Ninjas posts - Progress in each language, created by Tomoaki Yoshizawa.
In TNWiki Summit15 we have 3 Featured International Communities.
The Best Communities in 2014 on TechNet Wiki. See below:
- 4 Turkish members: Erdem SELÇUK, Hasan Dimdik, Recep YUKSEL and Ugur Demir;
- 3 Portuguese members: Alan Carlos, Durval Ramos and Luciano Lima, and;
- 2 French members: Benoit Jester and Gokan Ozcifci
An amazing job, sharing knowledge in different Technologies that deserves to be recognized on TechNet Wiki Summit 2015 !!!
So remember!!! TNWikiSummit15 will take place on March 17-18-19, 2015.
Also follow @tnwikisummit and our FaceBook group.
Use hashtag #TNWikiSummit15 to advertise our event and get more informations about Speakers, Registrations and others.
See you soon here !
Brazilian Wiki Ninja Durval