Today I ran into some issues calling PSExec.exe ( ) from PowerShell and realized that there is no native cmdlet to execute an application on a remote computer natively in PowerShell. After spending some time associated with encoding (psexec.exe expects UTF8, however PowerShell is sending Unicode) I decided to create a PowerShell script that could accomplish many of the tasks that PSExec could without needing a PSSession (to support down-level clients). Let me know what you think of Start-RemoteProcess:
#* <Function Start-RemoteProcess> *
#* *
#* This function uses WMI to start a process on a remote computer. *
#* *
#* Input: *
#* [string] $Path - path to the file to execute *
#* [string] $Computer - computer to create the process on *
#* $Window { *
#* "Hidden" - hide the process window *
#* "Normal" - activate and display the window (default) *
#* "Minimized" - minimize the window *
#* "Maximized" - maximize the window *
#* } *
#* [string] $StartPath - the starting path for the application *
#* [string] $Title - set the title of the window *
#* [switch] $Priority { *
#* "Realtime" - set the process priority to realtime *
#* "High" - set the process priority to high *
#* "AboveNormal" - set the process priority to above normal *
#* "Normal" - set the process priority to normal (default) *
#* "BelowNormal" - set the process priority to below normal *
#* "Idle" - set the process priority to idle *
#* } *
#* [int] $X - set the x position of the window *
#* [int] $XSize - set the width of the window *
#* [int] $Y - set the y position of the window *
#* [int] $YSize - set the height of the window *
#* [PSCredential] $Credential - Credentials to connect to the computer *
#* [switch] $Elevate - Elevate the process in UAC *
#* *
#* Output: *
#* [wmiobject]"Win32_Process" - the process that was created *
function Start-RemoteProcess {
HelpMessage='The process to start on the computer')]
[string] $Path,
HelpMessage='The computer to start the process on')]
[string] $Computer = ".",
HelpMessage='The starting working path for the application')]
[string] $StartPath,
[ValidateSet("Hidden", "Normal", "Minimized", "Maximized",
IgnoreCase= $True)]
HelpMessage='What state to start the program window')]
$Window = "Normal",
HelpMessage='The title to assign to the window')]
[string] $Title,
[ValidateSet("RealTime", "High", "AboveNormal", "Normal",
"BelowNormal","Idle", IgnoreCase=$True)]
HelpMessage='What priority to assign the new process')]
$Priority = "Normal",
HelpMessage='The starting X position of the window')]
[int] $X,
HelpMessage='The width of the window')]
[int] $XSize,
HelpMessage='The starting Y position of the window')]
[int] $Y,
HelpMessage='The starting height of the window')]
[int] $YSize,
HelpMessage='Credentials to connect to the remote computer')]
[PSCredential] $Credential,
HelpMessage='Elevate the process in User Account Control')]
[switch] $Elevate = $False
#Create a new instance of W32_ProcessStartup
$wmiProcessStartup = [wmiclass]"Win32_ProcessStartup"
#Set the window state for the process
switch($Window) {
"Hidden" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['ShowWindow'].Value = 0}
"Minimized" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['ShowWindow'].Value = 2}
"Maximized" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['ShowWindow'].Value = 3}
#Set the window title if specified
if ($Title -ne $Null) {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['Title'].Value = $Title}
#Set the process priority, if specified
"RealTime" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['PriorityClass'].Value = 256}
"High" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['PriorityClass'].Value = 128}
"AboveNormal" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['PriorityClass'].Value = 32768}
"BelowNormal" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['PriorityClass'].Value = 16384}
"Idle" {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['PriorityClass'].Value = 64}
#Set the window X position if specified
If ($X -ne $Null) {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['X'].Value = $X}
#Set the window Y position if specified
If ($Y -ne $Null) {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['Y'].Value = $Y}
#Set the window width if specified
If ($XSize -ne $Null) {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['XSize'].Value = $XSize}
#Set the window height if specified
If ($YSize -ne $Null) {$wmiProcessStartup.Properties['YSize'].Value = $YSize}
if ($Credential -eq $Null) {
#Credentials were not specified
If ($Elevate) {
#Elevation was requested
return Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $Computer -Class "Win32_Process" -Name Create -EnableAllPrivileges -ArgumentList $Path, $StartPath, $wmiProcessStartup
} else {
#Elevation was not requested
return Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $Computer -Class "Win32_Process" -Name Create -ArgumentList $Path, $StartPath, $wmiProcessStartup
} else {
#Credentials were specified
If ($Elevate) {
#Elevation was requested
return Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $Computer -Class "Win32_Process" -Name Create -EnableAllPrivileges -ArgumentList $Path, $StartPath, $wmiProcessStartup -Credential $Credential
} else {
#Elevation was not requested
return Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $Computer -Class "Win32_Process" -Name Create -ArgumentList $Path, $StartPath, $wmiProcessStartup -Credential $Credential
#* </Function Start-RemoteProcess> *